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Walkthrough of Curriculum Builder


  1. Module Selector
  2. Institution Selector
  3. Curriculum active year
  4. Segment Selector
  5. Level Selector
  6. Course Selector
  7. Unit Plan Selector
  8. My Profile

Educator roles and permissions

Curriculum Director


  • Creates and edits the Curriculum.
  • Can edit any document in Account Library

Recommended Responsibilities

  • Creates curriculum, segments and levels
  • Creates segment rubrics/learner skills/learner traits (optional)

Head of Department


  • Can edit parts of a Curriculum tagged to their Course
  • Can edit any document in Account Library tagged to their Course
  • Can edit any other document assigned directly to them

Recommended Responsibilities

  • Creates syllabus, objectives, rubrics, learner skills and learner traits for their Course
  • Creates Unit Plans and assigns those Unit Plans to other educators



  • Can edit parts of a Curriculum tagged to their Course
  • Can edit any document in Account Library tagged to their Course
  • Can edit any other document assigned directly to them

Recommended Responsibilities

  • Creates Lessons inside their Assigned Unit Plan