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Creating Unit Plan Template

Action Steps


1. On Curriculum builder, Click on relevant segment > Level > Course,  then select + symbol on Unit Plan Template


2. Enter the required fields. Select Save. 

What is Unit Plan Template

A Unit Plan Template is designed as a guide for Educators, describing the pedagogical methodologies used when creating unit plans within a Course. When educators create their Unit Plans and Lessons, they will be able to select the pedagogical concepts prescribed in the Unit Plan Template that apply to their content.

Pedagogical Terms Used in the Unit Plan Template

Macro Concept

Concept that is general and easily transferable to any subject and topic, eg: Change, Patterns.

Micro Concept

Concept that is more subject-specific and less easily transferable to any subject and topic, eg: Rates, Civilisation.

General Concept

An organising idea that is timeless, universal, abstract and represented by 1/2 words.

Global Lens

Broad universal concepts that contextualise learning by identifying specific settings, events or circumstances across the world.

Conceptual Statement

A statement describing how comprehensive concepts relate to the lesson.

Question Identification

A list of question types, eg: factual, conceptual and debatable questions.

Inquiry Pedagogy

A set of teaching and learning strategies that encourage metacognitive thought processes, discussion and collaboration.

Lines of Inquiry

Questions that encourage learners to think in the template of the Inquiry Pedagogy.

Educators Provocations

Skills or techniques required by the educator to direct learners towards a specific inquiry.

Inquiry Statement


A single, central statement for each unit/ lesson that captures and directs what learners will be learning and the importance of the lesson.