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Admin Panel and Curriculum Builder

Create institution

Action Steps 1.  On Admin Panel, Select Institutions                       ...

Random Question Blocks- How to create

This is a newly released feature that would work with our Question Block. For a comprehensive les...

Add Administrators

Prerequisite The institution must be created before assigning administrators Action...

Add Course

Action Steps 1.  On Admin Panel, Select Courses 2.  Sele...

Add Learner

Pre-Requisites Academic Year and Term must be created before adding learners Segments ...

Add Educator

Action Steps 1.  On Admin Panel, Select Educator 2. Select...

Add Facilities

Prerequisite Facilities must be set for the following tags:  Courses (compulsory) Educat...

Add Parents

Action Steps 1.  On Admin Panel, Select Parents 2.  Select...

Walkthrough of Curriculum Builder

Module Selector Institution Selector Curriculum active year Segment Selector Le...

Create Curriculum (Document)

Action Steps 1. On Curriculum Builder, Click on "Create" ...

Assigning Documents

Action Steps 1.  On Curriculum Builder, select the Curriculum Document fr...

Actions to be taken from assigned document

Action Steps 1.  Click on the Assigned Documents Tab or the Notifications i...

Creating Segment as a Document

Action Steps 1.  On Curriculum builder, Click on the Create Button on the...

Creating courses as a Document

Action Steps 1. On Curriculum builder, Click on the Create Button o...

Creating Syllabus as a Document

Action Steps 1.  On Curriculum builder, Click on the Create Butto...

Creating Objectives as a Document

Action Steps 1.  On Curriculum builder, Click on the Create Butto...

Creating Assessment Settings as a Document

Action Steps 1. On Curriculum builder, Click on the Create Button on the to...

Creating Learner Skills Rubric as a Document

Action Steps 1. On Curriculum builder, Click on the Create Button on the to...

Creating Learner Traits Rubric as a Document

Action Steps 1.  On Curriculum builder, Click on the Create Button on the t...

Transfer learners across classes

Action Steps 1.  On Admin Panel, Select Learners   2.  Select the class t...

View Past Curriculums

Action Steps 1.  Go on Curriculum Builder, Select Account Library.  ...

Creating Segment on Curriculum Builder Module

Action Steps 1.  On Curriculum builder, Click on the + symbol on Segmen...

Creating Courses In Curriculum Builder

Action Steps 1.  To create a new course, on Curriculum builder, select the ...

Creating Unit Plan Template

Action Steps 1. On Curriculum builder, Click on relevant segment > Level ...

Creating a Syllabus

Action Steps 1.  Select a course you wish to create a syllabus for. Click...

Creating Objectives for a Course

Action Steps 1. Select the Course you wish to create Objectives for. Then, ...

Creating Assessment Setting for a course

Action Steps 1. Select the Course you wish to create assessment setting for...

Creating Learner Skills for a Course

Action Steps 1.  Select the Course you wish to create learner skills for. T...

Creating a Learner Traits rubric

Action Steps 1.  Select the Course you wish to create learner traits for....

Creating a Unit Plan within a curriculum

Action Steps 1. On Curriculum Builder, Click on the + symbol on Unit Plan o...

Add Course to Timetable

Prerequisites In order to add a course to the timetable you will need to:  Courses created ...

Activate a Curriculum

Prerequisite The curriculum document must be made available on the Account Library.  ...

Prepare Curriculum for the next academic year

Action Steps 1.  On Curriculum Builder, Select Account Library 2.  Cli...

Roles and Permissions of The Different Account Types

UAT and KB for Features

Creating Lesson

Creating Independent Lessons in the LMS To create an independent Lesson: 1. In My Library, cl...

BeED Wiz

BWiz Teacher Assistant Tutorial In order to access BWiz, make sure you have created lesson. T...