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Create institution

Action Steps


1.  On Admin Panel, Select Institutions                                   


2. Select Create Institution


3. Enter the required fields. 

Add Administrator: Administrator account must be created beforehand

Upload Logo : it will be displayed on Report Cards.

The schedule setting can be toggled on and setup the below:

  • Academic Year: the period of the year during which students attend school
  • Terms: a portion of an academic year, the time during which an educational institution holds classes
  • Study Days: School's active days/working days
  • Shifts: timetable blocks and segregation for multi-shift institutions (example: morning/evening sessions) 

Note: Administrators can be responsible for multiple schools. 

Required information to create Documents

Institution full name and short name
School Logo

For Schedule settings:
Academic Year
School Terms
Study days
Shift (timetable slots)