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Usability Heuristics
Visibility of System Status

Users are kept informed about informed about what is going on through notification icon


Match between System and the Real World Twinkl uses words and phrases that are commonly used by educators and learners throughout the website
User Control and Freedom - Home button is clear and visible. Users can click on Twinkl logo or the home button which is placed as the first button on the ribbon
Consistency and Standards
  • Consistent colour schemes
  • Main ribbon appear consistently in all pages
Error Prevention Twinkl asks for confirmation before continuing with purchase
Recognition Rather than Recall
Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Users able to customize the content/resource according to preference
Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Minimal colour focusing more on showing the content in a single page. Icons for some features
Recognize, Diagnose and Recover from Errors  
Help and Documentation

Help button in the form of chatbot

New User Account Creation

Feature Description


Sign in options

create account in Twinkl

  • Easy sign in by using email and creating a password
  • Free account benefits is shown


Dashboard page

Ribbons on top - Content 

Ribbon on the left - Account setting & preferences

Planner tab on right - Folder and lesson planning







School & Organisations