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Century System Exploration Findings

Log in Details

User have several options for logging in to the system:

  1. Username / email & Password provided by Century Account Manager.
  2. SSO with Google
  3. SSO with Office 365
  4. Using Class Code provided by teacher
Executive Summary

Century is a content ready LMS with the support of AI to suggest learner's pathway in their study. At the beginning of accessing the platform, the system will suggest learner to do some diagnostics test and will then suggest learner's learning pathway in their student's recommendation path section based on the diagnostics results. Student recommendation path can also display the learning materials that have been chosen in the planner by the teacher for the class. Century provides wide range of learning materials in the course library which content are tailored by the in-house teachers of Century.

The learning materials (they call it nugget) are micro teaching materials with two preferences in explanation way (with video or slideshows) that learner can choose. Each learning materials also provided with auto-marked practice questions with MCQ, matching (drag & drop) and text input. Their virtual keyboard already support math equation which will automatically shows up when the question require input on numbers only. The AI will suggest any learning materials related to the result of their learning. Learner can rate the learning materials and express their emotion (by choosing emoji) at the end of the learning that will give the AI to learn more about the learner behavior and preferences. Learner can do multiple attempts 

Aside from the ready learning materials, teachers can also create assignment for the learner to do. The assignment can be in a form of selected learning materials (nuggets) to be completed or additional task that created (customized) by the teacher. The assignment allows learner to submit any written work, uploading files attachments or audio video recordings. Teacher can also provide feedback and give marking to the learner's work. These assignment can also be shared to other teachers in the institution as reference or model and can also be used by other teacher.

The dashboard is quite clean, organized and comprehensive. For learner side it shows the overview, detail courses record and achievements. Century used achievement badges to give rewards for the learners activity in the platforms.
As for teacher dashboard, it displays more detailed records of learners learning record. It also shows the top and bottom list of students based on the length of learning time in the platform and the average score of their learning. The platform also provide the intervention graph where it categorized learner into the 4 quadrants (need effort, need stretch, need support, praise for commitment also based on the length of learning time in the platform and the average score of their learning.

Documented Results of Findings
No Feature - Function / Purpose


  • explain why they did well / poorly,
  • what we can learn from them,
  • include screenshots
1 My Path

Provide suggested learning materials for learner to work on, as well as to inform learner due assignment (if available)


2 Diagnostic Test

It provides AI the initial information on the learners to give better suggestion on the learning paths for the learner.


3 My Course

It shows all available courses set for the class and also the list of learning materials for each course that can be selected based on the strands (topics) of the materials.



However as it display all the list of the learning materials in that course (that may up to hundreds of learning material), learner may feel overwhelmed just from reading the numbers of the materials.

4 Assignment Assignment is separated from the learning materials (nuggets), but the assignment can include the selected learning materials to be sent as assignment and to be completed by the learner or a task created by the teacher. For the task that is created by the teacher it can include equation, images and video as well as attach file, audio recording and video recording.


5 Markbook Learner responses and attempts record, and teachers feedback and scores also recorded in the Markbook. it also shows the graph for each attempt for the learning materials. It also shows the progress tracker.


6 Result pop-up

A pop up will shows after learner finished their learning. It will shows the completion rate and the score for that particular learning material, it also ask you for to rate the learning material and express your feeling upon learning the material. it allows you to reattempt or to continue with the suggested learning material.



7 My Planner

To override the AI in the recommended path to set the learning material that should be completed for the class / learner on the particular date.


8 Achievement Badges

To give badges for the performance of the learner.


9 Nuggets (Learning material)

Micro learning, bite-size material with 2 options in explaining way (in video mode or slideshow). Each material will have auto-marked practice questions with various types of responses (MCQ, Matching, Text Input). The materials can be reattempted with randomized questions.
