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Product Drawing Board

Gradebook Dashboard

1.  Minister view (change to Geographical Tiers) Selected: SPM > All subjects >  1st level vie...

Gradebook Dashboard v2


Noodle Factory


System Exploration findings


BeED Competitive advantage LMS / Features BeED Toddle Remarks Timetabling & Sche...


Test cases and results for ChatGPT prompt - FRAD

Rubicon (Atlas)

Product research

Century System Exploration Findings

Log in Details User have several options for logging in to the system: Username / email & P...

Proposed requirement for Journeys, Hub, Connect and Forum


Pressto -> helps in enhancing learner's writing skills by promoting structured writing, introdu...

BigBlueButton Exploration

Features Comparison and Notes of BigBlueButton vs Zoom Features in BigBlueButton Features...


iKey Edutech

iKEY is a CMS system developed that provides the following services: i) Centre Management Syst...


Introduction Is an assessment platform designed for K12 schools to make assessments efficien...

Assessprep - Executive Summary

BigBlueButton APIs integration with LMS (R-000817)

Preconditions: -1. BBB Server, apiMate are uprunning,2. BBB connection, configuration DATA is a...


Introduction AOneSchools is a learning center management system designed to manage instituti...


Introduction Alumni management platform designed to help educational institutions connect,...

Video and Annotation Feedback

Feedback When a teacher clicks on annotate, video should open up and teacher should be able ...