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How to set your Institution's Schedule Settings

In the Schedule Settings section, you set your institution’s time schedule by specifying the Academic Year, Terms, Study days as well as the Shifts in your institution. 

Note: Once an Academic Year is saved, you will be limited in your ability to make further changes to the Schedule Settings. Please double check your settings before you save.

Step 1:
To access your Institution’s Schedule Settings:

(a) When creating a NEW Institution, toggle the Schedule Settings on.


(b) When editing an EXISTING institution, click on the edit icon next to the Institution name.


Step 2: Select the Academic Year you would like to set a schedule for. 


Step 3: Add all the individual Terms inside this Academic Year.

Terms refer to the study terms/semesters an Academic Year is divided into. You can have multiple Terms per Academic Year.


Step 4: Set your Institution Study Days to specify the days in which your Institution will have classes and extracurricular activities. This will affect your Institution Timetable, as you will not be able to add classes to non-Study Days.


Step 5: Add Study Shifts to your Institution. These refer to groups of study periods or time slots in which you would slot in classes. You can have up to three separate shifts in your Institution. For example, your Institution may have a morning shift from 7:30am - 11:30 am, and then another afternoon shift from 1:30 pm - 5:30pm. 


Step 6: Click on Add Duration to specify the lesson periods/time slots within each shift. For example, you may set a 45 min time slot (8.00am-8.45am) and another 1 hour time slot (8.45 am - 9.45 am) in a different shift.  


Step 7: Click on Create Institution once you are satisfied with your settings! 

Important: Don’t forget to double check your information! Once an Academic Year is saved, you will be limited in your ability to make further changes to the Schedule Settings.