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Creating Subclasses and Timetables

What is a Subclass?

A Subclass is created when you want to divide your existing class into groups or categories.

Take a look at the following example:




Primary 1, Primary 2, Primary 3 etc


Class 1A, Class 1B, Class 2A, Class 2B etc 


Boys vs Girls/ Science vs Arts electives etc

How do I create a Subclass?

To create a Subclass:

  1. Select Learners under Roles on the leftmost column.

  2. Select the relevant Academic year, Segment, Level and Class from the drop-down menus.

  3. Click on Subclasses of (Class Name) in the lower section of the same page. 

  4. Click Create Subclass in the upper right of the section. 

  5. Select the Course and Number of subclasses from the drop-down menus. Name the subclass(es) in the empty spaces provided.

  6. Click Create Subclass in the bottom right. 

You can then assign the created subclass(es) to Learners

How do I assign a subclass to a Learner?

Note: Subclasses have to be created first before assigning to Learners. 

Subclass(es) added previously will be listed in the Learners page. 

To assign a Subclass to a Learner:

  1. Select Learners under Roles on the leftmost column.

  2. Select the relevant Academic year, Segment, Level and Class from the drop-down menus.

  3. Click on Subclasses of (Class Name) in the lower section of the same page. 

  4. Click on the pencil icon on the right of the Subclass name.

  5. Drag Learners on the left to the respective Subclass(es) on the right. 

  6. Click Save. 

How do I edit or delete a Subclass?

Subclass(es) added previously will be listed in the Learners page. 

To edit the details of or delete a Subclass:

  1. Select Learners under Roles on the leftmost column.

  2. Select the relevant Academic year, Segment, Level and Class from the drop-down menus.

  3. Click on Subclasses of (Class Name) in the lower section of the same page. 

  4. Click on the pencil icon on the right side of the Subclass name.

  5. To rename a Subclass:

Enter the new name in the respective entry field(s) in the column on the right.  

To delete a Subclass:

Click on the trash bin icon next to the Subclass name. 

  1. Click Save Changes. 

You can also delete all Subclasses within a Class at once or change a Learner’s Subclass.

How do I change a Learner’s Subclass?

Subclass(es) added previously will be listed in the Learners page. 

To change a Learner’s Subclass:

  1. Select Learners under Roles on the leftmost column.

  2. Select the relevant Academic year, Segment, Level and Class from the drop-down menus.

  3. Click on Subclasses of (Class Name) in the lower section of the same page. 

  4. Click on the pencil icon on the right of the Subclass name.

  5. Drag the Learner from one Subclass to another in the column on the right. 

  6. Click Save Changes. 

You can also delete all Subclasses within a Class at once

Can I delete all Subclasses (divided from one Class) at once?

Subclass(es) added previously will be listed in the Learners page. 

Yes. To do this:

  1. Select Learners under Roles on the leftmost column.

  2. Select the relevant Academic year, Segment, Level and Class from the drop-down menus.

  3. Click on Subclasses of (Class Name) in the lower section of the same page. 

  4. Click on the pencil icon on the right of the Subclass name.

  5. Click Delete Subclasses in the bottom left. 

  6. Select Yes to the pop-up: Are you sure you want to delete the subclasses?

You can also delete only one or some of the subclass(es).

What can I do with the Timetable function?

As Administrators and/or Educators, you can:

  • Sort out which Facility to be used with what Course.

  • Book separate Facilities for your respective Classes.

As Educators, Parents or Learners, you can:

  • Refer to Gradebook to look for your daily and weekly Timetables.

  • (as Learners) Access feedback given by your Educators through the Timetable in Gradebook.

How can I view my Timetable?

To view a Timetable:

  1. Select Timetable under Institution on the leftmost column.

  2. Select the relevant Academic year, Level and Class from the drop-down menus. You can also view the Timetable by Shift in the lower section of the same page. 

How do I add a Lesson to my Timetable?

To add a Lesson to the Timetable:

  1. Select Timetable under Institution on the leftmost column.

  2. Select the relevant Academic year, Level and Class from the drop-down menus. Then, select the Date from the Timetable on your right. 

You can also add the Lesson by separate Shifts: Select the relevant Shift, eg: Shift 1 in the lower section of the same page.

  1. Under the Shifts section, click Add Lesson under the relevant Day/Date. 

  2. Select the Time, Course, Educator* and Facility from the drop-down menus.

  3. Choose intervals to set how frequent the Lesson is repeated:

  • Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly

  • Once - Lesson only happens on the particular day.

  1. Click Save.

*An Educator can only be selected if he/she has been assigned to the particular Course. Learn more about assigning Courses to Educators.

How do I edit or delete a Lesson from my Timetable?

Lesson(s) added previously to the Timetable will be listed in the Timetable page under Shifts. 

To edit or delete a Lesson from the Timetable:

  1. Select Timetable under Institution on the leftmost column.

  2. Select the relevant Academic year, Level and Class from the drop-down menus. Then, select the Date from the Timetable on your right. Click on the relevant Shift in the lower half of the page (if applicable).

  3. Under the Shifts section, click on the three-dots icon next to the Course name. 

  4. To edit a Lesson:

Select Edit from the drop-down menu. 

Make the necessary changes. Then, click Save. 

To delete a Lesson:

Select Delete from the drop-down menu.

Select an option from the pop-up: Choose the option to delete the lesson to either delete Current lesson or All lessons. Then, click Yes.

Can I make changes to a Lesson in the Timetable that has been set for the current day?

No. Changes need to be made at least one day before the Lesson is scheduled.