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Creating Courses For Your Institution

How can I create a Course?

When a Course is created, it applies to all Institutions within your organisation.

To add a new Course:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Courses under Institution on the leftmost column. 

  2. Click Create Course in the top right corner. 

  3. Enter the Name of course. Then, click Create Course in the bottom right. 

After a Course is created in the Admin Panel, it can be:

  • Added to specific Facilities and Timetable

  • Assigned to the Heads of Departments and Educators

  • Applied in the Curriculum Builder.

How can I edit the name of a Course?

Course(s) added previously will be listed in the Courses page. 

To edit the name of a Course:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Courses under Institution on the leftmost column.

  2. Click on the three-dots icon next to the name of the Course. Then, select Edit from the drop-down menu.

  3. Make the necessary changes. Then, click Save. 

Note: Changes apply to all Institutions within your organisation that use the same Course.