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Adding Administrators To Your Institution

How do I add an Administrator?

Note: Only an Account Administrator can add other Administrators to an Institution.  

(The Account Administrator is the main account holder who is in charge of overseeing the entire network of Institutions)

To add an Administrator to your Institution:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Administrators under Personnel on the leftmost column. 

  2. Click Add Administrator in the top right corner. 

  3. Fill in the required personal details. Click Add Institution to select one or more Institution(s). Then, click Save Changes for the Institution(s) selected. 

  4. Click Create Administrator in the bottom right. 

Note: Administrators have the permission to access and make changes in the Admin Panel.

Note that Administrators can also be assigned other roles such as Parent, Educator, Director and Curriculum Director. Learn more about the different roles

How do I edit an Administrator’s profile?

Administrator(s) added previously will be listed in the Administrators page in the Admin Panel. 

To edit the profile of an Administrator:

  1. Select Administrators under Personnel on the leftmost column. 

  2. Click on the three-dots icon on the right of the Administrator’s name. Then, select Edit profile from the drop-down menu. 

  3. Make the necessary changes. Then, click Save.

How do I deactivate or reactivate an Administrator’s account?

Administrator(s) added previously will be listed in the Administrators page in the Admin Panel. 

The Status of an Administrator’s account is shown either as ✓(active) or ✗(inactive).

To deactivate an Administrator’s account:

  1. Select Administrators under Personnel on the leftmost column. 

  2. Click on the three-dots icon on the right of the Administrator’s name. Then, select Deactivate from the drop-down menu. 

To reactivate an Administrator’s account:

  1. Select Administrators under Personnel on the leftmost column. 

  2. Click on the three-dots icon on the right of the Administrator’s name. Then, select Activate from the drop-down menu.

Learn more about the difference between deleting and deactivating an Administrator’s account.

How do I delete an Administrator’s account?

Administrator(s) added previously will be listed in the Administrators page.

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Administrators under Personnel on the leftmost column. 

  2. Click on the three-dots icon on the right of the Administrator’s name. Then, select Edit profile from the drop-down menu. 

  3. Click Delete Administrator in the bottom left. 

Learn more about the difference between deleting and deactivating an Administrator’s account.

What is the difference between deleting and deactivating an Administrator’s account?

Deleting an Administrator’s account is irreversible. All data linked to this user will be lost. A new account will need to be created in the Admin Panel to re-add this user as an Administrator.

Deactivating an Administrator’s account is temporary. All data linked to this user remains in the system. The account of this user can be reactivated to give him/her access to the Admin Panel again.

I’ve been assigned as an Administrator, can I still hold other roles?

Yes. An Administrator can also be assigned other roles under Educator (which include Director, Curriculum Director, Head of Department, Educator and Homeroom educator), Parent or Learner. 

Depending on your assigned roles, you will be allowed access to certain functions but become limited from other functions. Learn more about the different roles.

How do I change the role of an Administrator?

To change the role of an Administrator:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Administrators under Personnel on the leftmost column. 

  2. Click on the three-dots icon on the right of the Administrator’s name. Then, select Change the role from the drop-down menu. 

  3. To add, edit or remove role(s) of an Administrator:

Adding a new role

Parent’s role

  1. Next to the section for Parent’s role, click on Add Learner. Search for the administrator’s child in the database. 

  2. Click Add Learners in the bottom right. 

Note: Learners’ accounts must be created before their Parents’.

Educator’s role

(includes Director, Curriculum Director, Head of Department, Educator and Homeroom educator)

  1. Click Add Educator’s Role next to Educator’s role.

  2. Enter the Institution name. Then, select from the drop-down list. 

  3. Toggle on the role(s) you want to assign to the Administrator.

  4. Click Save. 

Learner’s role

  1. Next to the section for Learner’s role, click on Add Learner’s role. 

  2. Fill in the necessary details. Then, click Save. 

Editing an existing role

(adding/ removing)

To edit an Educator’s role:

  1. Click on the pencil icon in the top right of the box next to Educator’s role.

  2. Toggle on or off for the role(s) you want to assign or remove. Then, click Save. 

To remove: You can also directly click on the x button next to the assigned role in the box. 

To edit a Learner’s, Parent’s and Admin’s role:

  1. Click on the x button in the top right of the box next to the assigned role.

  1. Click Save.

Can I assign an Administrator to more than one Institution?

Yes. To do this:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Administrators under Personnel on the leftmost column. 

  2. Click on the three-dots icon on the right of the Administrator’s name. Then, select Change the role from the drop-down menu. 

  3. Click Add Admin’s Role next to Admin’s role. Enter the Institution name and select from the drop-down list. 

  4. Click Save.

Can I assign an Administrator as the Director or Curriculum Director for all Institutions within my organisation?

Yes. To do this:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Administrators under Personnel on the leftmost column. 

  2. Click on the three-dots icon on the right of the Administrator’s name. Then, select Change the role from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click Add Account Role next to Account role. 

  4. Toggle on the role(s) you want to assign. Then, click Save.

You can also assign an Administrator as the Director or Curriculum Director for only one or some of the institutions in your organisation.