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Creating Facilities For Your Institution

How do I create a Facility?

To add a new Facility:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Facilities under Institution on the leftmost column.

  2. Click Create Facility in the top right. 

  3. Fill in the required information. Click Add Courses to select one or more Course(s) to tie to the Facility. Then, click Save Changes for the Course(s) selected. 

  4. (Optional) In the same menu, click on the drop-down list next to Refers to. Select an Educator* to be in-charge of the Facility. 

  5. Click Create Facility in the bottom right. 

*If you have not added Educator(s) to your Institution earlier, follow the steps here

Note: Each Course has to be linked to at least one facility, before it can be added into the Timetable.

How do I edit the details of a Facility?

Facility(ies) added previously will be listed in the Facilities page. 

To edit the details of a Facility:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Facilities under Institution on the leftmost column.

  2. Click on the pencil icon on the right of the Facility’s name.

  3. Make the necessary changes. Then, click Save. 

How do I add or remove Courses for a Facility?

Facility(ies) added previously will be listed in the Facilities page. 

To add or remove Course(s) for a Facility:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Facilities under Institution on the leftmost column.

  2. Click on the pencil icon on the right of the Facility’s name.

  3. To add a Course:

Click Add Courses next to Courses. Select Course(s) to be added. Then, click Save Changes for the Course(s) selected. 

To remove a Course:

Click on the x button next to the name of the Course(s).

  1. Click Save. 

Can I assign a caretaker for my Facility?

Yes. To do this:

  1. Select Facilities under Institution on the leftmost column.

  2. Click on the pencil icon on the right of the Facility’s name.

  3. Click on the drop-down list next to Refers to. Select an Educator* to be in-charge of the Facility. Then, click Save. 

*If you have not added Educator(s) to your Institution earlier, follow the steps here

How do I delete a Facility?

Note: Deleting a Facility will lead to the deletion of all Timetable slots and Lessons tied to this particular Facility. 

Facility(ies) added previously will be listed in the Facilities page. 

To delete a Facility:

  1. Select Facilities under Institution on the leftmost column.

  2. Click on the pencil icon on the right of the Facility’s name.

  3. Click Delete Facility in the bottom left. 

  4. Select Yes to the pop-up: Are you sure you want to delete this facility?