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Creating Segments, Levels and Classes

How do I differentiate between Segments, Levels, Classes and Subclasses?

Segments, levels, classes and subclasses are used to group learners together for lessons and grading.

To better understand the differences, take a look at the following example:




Primary 1, Primary 2, Primary 3 etc


Class 1A, Class 1B, Class 2A, Class 2B etc 


Boys vs Girls/ Science vs Arts electives / Remedial Math vs Standard Math etc


How do I create a Segment?

To create a Segment:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Learners under Roles on the leftmost column.

  2. Click Create Segment next to Segments. 

  3. Enter the Segment name. Then, click Create Segment in the bottom right. 

How do I edit or delete a segment?

Note: Deleting a Segment will lead to the deletion of all Levels, Classes and Learners in this particular Segment.

Segment(s) added previously will be listed (as a drop-down) in the Learners page under Segments.

To edit or delete a Segment:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Learners under Roles on the leftmost column.

  2. Under Segments, select the relevant Segment from the drop-down list. 

  3. Click on the pencil icon next to the Segment’s name.

  4. To edit a Segment:

Make the necessary changes. Then, click Save.

To delete a Segment:

Click Delete in the bottom left. 

Select Yes to the pop-up: Are you sure you want to delete this segment?

How do I create a Level?

To create a Level:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Learners under Roles on the leftmost column.

  2. Click Create Level next to Levels. 

  3. Select the relevant Level (eg: Grade 1 will be Level 1). 

  4. Click Create Level in the bottom right. 

How do I edit or delete a Level?

Note: Deleting a Level will lead to the deletion of all Classes and any users placed under this particular Level.

Level(s) added previously will be listed (as a drop-down) in the Learners page under Levels.

To edit or delete a Level:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Learners under Roles on the leftmost column.

  2. Under Levels, select the relevant Level from the drop-down list. 

  3. Click on the pencil icon next to the Level.

  4. To edit a Level:

Re-select the correct Level. Then, click Save.

To delete a Level:

Click Delete in the bottom left corner. 

Select Yes when the pop-up asks: Are you sure you want to delete this level?

How do I create a Class?

To create a Class:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Learners under Roles on the leftmost column.

  2. Click Create Class next to Classes. 

  3. Enter the Class name. Select from the drop-down list next to Homeroom educator* if you want to assign a class teacher for the Class. 

Select Show class name only if you only want to display the class name without showing the Level.

  1. Click Create Class in the bottom right. 

*If you have not added Educator(s) to your Institution earlier, follow the steps here

How do I edit or delete a Class?

Note: Deleting a Class will lead to the deletion of any users placed under this particular Class.

Class(es) added previously will be listed (as a drop-down) in the Learners page under Classes.

To edit or delete a Class:

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Learners under Roles on the leftmost column.

  2. Under Classes, select the Class from the drop-down list. 

  3. Click on the pencil icon next to the name of the Class.

  4. To edit a Class:

Make the necessary changes. Then, click Save.

To delete a Class:

Click Delete in the bottom left. 

Select Yes to the pop-up: Are you sure you want to delete this class?