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Planning Your Trip

Other Services Concierge Service

How do I plan my trip with the BeED Itinerary? Here’s how to create your own customized itinerar...

Car Rentals

Other Services Concierge Service

What are the age requirements to rent a car? Most car rental agents have a minimum age limit of ...


Other Services Concierge Service

Due to different promotions, room availability and demand, the hotel or supplier may change the p...


Other Services Concierge Service

How much time do I need to arrive at the airport for my flight? In general, airlines recommend t...

3.4 Sourcing Rich Media for Lessons

Educator Tips and Tricks 3. General Recommendations for Lesson B...

Make your lessons more interactive and engaging by including images, videos, audios and even hype...

(Plagiarism Checker) How do I view my learner’s plagiarism report?

Tools Add-on

You can only view plagiarism reports if the plagiarism checker is turned on for a particular ques...

(Plagiarism Checker) How do I create questions that auto-check my learner’s responses for plagiarism?

Tools Add-on

To do this: 1. In the Curriculum Builder, navigate to your Lesson and create an Open Response Qu...

Equation Builder

Tools Add-on

1. To add equations into your lessons, click on: (a) For mathematical equations (b) For chemica...

How do I Organise the Question Bank?

ConnectED Bank

You can organize your questions in the Question Bank by making folders: 1. In the Question Bank,...

What happens after my Report Cards are approved by the Curriculum Director?

Reporting Interface Report Card (Educator)

When your Report Cards have been approved by the Curriculum Director, your Learners will receive ...

What do the various status of a Report Card mean?

Reporting Interface Report Card (Educator)

Draft The Report Card is in the preliminary stages of creation. Sent for ap...

I’ve been assigned to create a Report Card, how should I proceed?

Reporting Interface Report Card (Educator)

Being a Homeroom Educator automatically allows one to create Report Cards for the Learners. Howev...

How do I view a Report Card?

Reporting Interface Report Card (Educator)

To view a Report Card: 1. Click Report Cards on the leftmost column.  2. Click on the pencil ic...

Report Card Settings

Reporting Interface

Note: This page is only accessible by Curriculum Director accounts. You can change data that you...

Permissions - Export all documents

Curriculum Builder

Here is a brief overview of the roles and permissions of the different account types: ...

What is a Unit Plan Template?

Curriculum Builder Unit Plans & Unit Plan Templates

A Unit Plan Template is designed as a guide for Educators, describing the pedagogical methodologi...

Educator (T&T)

Educator Tips and Tricks

1. Maximizing Your Teaching/Learning Experience with BeED 1.1 Using BeED in the classroom 1.1.1...

Why can’t I take action on a report such as issuing a warning or ban?

BeED Connect Troubleshooting Connect

If you do not see the Manage Reports tab, it is likely that you are currently logged in with a le...

Why can’t I send messages in Messenger?

BeED Connect Troubleshooting Connect

If you are unable to send messages to anybody in Messenger, most likely you have been temporarily...

What should I do if I have been banned or warned?

BeED Connect Troubleshooting Connect

If you were banned or warned, you will receive a notification in BeED Messenger via SystemAdmin. ...