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Why Can't I Assign a Particular User to my Document?

Curriculum Builder Assigning and Approving

For documents that are tied to a Course, you can only assign them to Educators whose roles in the...

Curriculum Builder

Curriculum Builder

The Curriculum Builder is one of the three main modules comprising BeED LMS; the other two being ...

4.7 How to Encourage Self-Learning Goals in Learners

Educator Tips and Tricks 4. Teaching Tips for Specific Pedagogic...

 Learners can be encouraged to go through the reflective process of setting their own goals throu...

4.1 Building Differentiated Lessons for Diverse Learners

Educator Tips and Tricks 4. Teaching Tips for Specific Pedagogic...

Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs, because at the heart of it,...

3.3 Self-Paced Learning with Optional Assessments

Educator Tips and Tricks 3. General Recommendations for Lesson B...

Self-paced learning is a democratic learning method where learners are able to decide when and ho...

1.1.1 Holistic Evaluation for Progressive Learning

Educator Tips and Tricks 1. Maximizing Your Teaching/Learning Ex...

Personalized Feedback Apart from grades, you can also provide personalized feedback to your lear...

Troubleshooting - Why can’t I create Lessons?


Occasionally, you may find that the ‘Create Lesson’ and ‘Import Lesson’ buttons do not appear in ...

How do I create a Timed Assessment?


Educators can create timed lessons that act as quizzes or assessments for learners. In these less...

Create a Planner through the App


Here's how to create your own customized planner through the app: 1. Tap on the main sidebar i...

What is the Segment Aggregator?

Gradebook Segment Aggregator

Only Homeroom Educators can access the Segment Aggregator tab. The Segment Aggregator is used by...

Who can view Learners’ Grades?

Gradebook Grades

Directors, Curriculum Directors, Heads of Department, Educators and Homeroom educators can all vi...

Gradebook introduction


Grades Segment Aggregator The Gradebook is divided into three main sections, which you can se...

Where Can I Attach Learner Traits to?

Curriculum Builder Learner Traits

You can import/create independent Learner Traits Rubrics within the following documents. ...

Who can be assigned to a Course in the Curriculum?

Curriculum Builder Courses

Only a Head of Department or an Educator can be assigned to a Course.  However, note that the ch...

How to Prepare Curriculums for the next Academic Year

Curriculum Builder Setting Up Your Curriculum

1. Prerequisite: Before you begin, it is recommended that Institution Admins first set up the new...

How to Import Documents

Curriculum Builder Getting Started in the Curriculum Builder

You can import any documents from My Library or Account Library.  Important: Imported docs are d...

What's the Difference between Learner Skills for Segments, Courses, Unit Plans and Lessons?

Curriculum Builder Learner's Skills

In general, Segment and Course Learner Skills Rubrics should be detailed enough down to the indiv...

Where Can I Attach Learner Skills to?

Curriculum Builder Learner's Skills

You can import/create independent Learner Skills Rubrics within the following documents. ...

Where Can I Attach Assessment Rubrics to?

Curriculum Builder Assessment Rubric

You can import/create independent Assessment Rubrics within the following documents. ...

Roles and Responsibilities

Curriculum Builder Getting Started in the Curriculum Builder

Here is a brief overview of the roles and permissions of the different account types: ...