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1.1.1 Holistic Evaluation for Progressive Learning

Personalized Feedback

Apart from grades, you can also provide personalized feedback to your learners to encourage them throughout their progress in a lesson. 

Through this feature, educators can focus on their individual learners’ work at a more personal level by writing comments to guide learners to find the correct answers to the questions given in a lesson. 


 As learners receive feedback, they are thus encouraged to reflect and try again to reach answers in their own time, allowing for a mastery of content rather than just the memorization of information. Click here to find out how to provide personalized feedback to your learners.


Educators are able to directly annotate on any image, document or video that the learner has uploaded as part of his/her response. The BeED annotation tool allows you to highlight, comment, draw and more as a way of responding to your learners’ work. 


Some scenarios in which the annotation feature may prove to be particularly useful is in the following:

  • Visual arts or design courses where the learners need to submit artwork.

  • Music lessons for learners to submit videos of them playing an instrument.

  • Essays that need highlighting or commenting.

  • Lessons for younger learners that include simple activities like matching, labelling and so on. 

On top of this, learners are also able to respond to their Educators’ annotations through the same interface themselves, encouraging a direct two-way interaction over their work. 
To learn more about the BeED Annotations Tool, click here.