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1.1 Using BeED in the classroom

The BeED platform can help educators create an extra edge to their regular classroom lessons, whether they are done in a physical or virtual environment. 

With features such as interactive media, integrated online conferencing, forums and more, educators and learners are able to carry out the teaching and learning process seamlessly without having to juggle multiple platforms. 

A few of the possibilities the BeED platform offers include the following: 

  • Full step-by-step lessons that slowly guide the learners through a new topic.

  • Videos, audios, images and hyperlinks that act as extra learning materials on top of lectures for the learners.

  • Integrated forums/messaging groups that help learners collaborate together in a virtual classroom.

  • One-on-one interaction with the educator through personalized feedback or annotations on a specific assignment.

  •  Private journal for Learners to continuously reflect on their progress.

  •  Digitally recorded responses instead of cumbersome physical textbooks and workbooks.

1. Sharing of Best Practices

Educators can share their created lessons in the school library, allowing their peers to assess and exchange ideas for even stronger lesson delivery. As learners are able to input answers in the form of text, audio or visual, educators can brainstorm and share new activities that are best suited for mLearning. 

2. Interactive Mapping for the Best Teaching-Learning Approach

The Lesson Builder’s customised mapping feature empowers learners to learn with or without a facilitator, depending on the lesson and/or the learners’ needs. As Learners click on organized map points, detailed instructions and scaffolded media-rich content allow them to learn at their own pace before moving on to the next section. Through this feature, educators  can organise their lessons in various ways, such as: 

Differentiated Learning

  • Point A: Beginner (Facilitator)

  • Point B: Intermediate (Group)

  • Point C: Advanced (Individual)

In the lesson format above, those who struggle with the topic can stay in Point A with their educator, who focuses on their weaknesses. Those who have already mastered the content in Point A can proceed to Point B, where they engage in group activities simultaneously while their educator focuses on those in Point A. When the learners have completed Point B, they can then move on to Point C, where they engage in independent tasks. This way, the educator can ensure that all his/her learners remain engaged while giving extra attention to the slower learners.

Flipped Classroom

  • Point A: Prep at Home

  • Point B: In-Class Activities 

  • Point C: Take-Home Activity

Through the mapping format above, educators can also conduct a flipped classroom lesson to maximize their time in class. 

For more tips on how to use BeED’s mapping feature for the pedagogy of your choice, click here.