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4.7 How to Encourage Self-Learning Goals in Learners

 Learners can be encouraged to go through the reflective process of setting their own goals through the BeED platform. All you have to do is download the map above (or by creating a similar one) and by creating a Lesson with the following points. 

Point A: Getting Started

In this point, you can ask preparatory questions to help set the objectives and mood for their journey, such as:

  • What are your goals, and why have you chosen them?

  • What steps do I need to take to achieve these goals?

  • What skills and knowledge will I need to be successful?

  • What difficulties do you think you’ll face, and what plans do you have for overcoming them?

  • If your plans don’t work, what will you do?

  • How will you know when you have achieved your goals?

Point B:  Checkpoint 1

Create as many checkpoints as you need for this self-reflective lesson. You may wish to create several checkpoints if their task is to track their progress over an entire academic year.

Some questions to help them monitor their progress may include: 

  • How are you progressing?

  • How happy are you with your progress?

  • What are some of the challenges you have faced so far, and what have you done to overcome them? 

  • What challenges do you still have to overcome?

  • What additional help do you need?

Point C: The Finishing Line

At the end of this journey, sum up their achievements and possible failures through a few probing questions at the final point to aid them in their overall reflection. These questions may include:

  • How happy are you with what you have achieved this term?

  • What were some of the things that didn’t work out as well as they could have?

  • What are some things you wished you could’ve done differently?

  • Reflect on your overall experience, and how you have grown this year.

Once you’ve created this Lesson, you can link it to certain “checkpoint” dates throughout the term or year for the Learners to refer to and to track their progress. To see how to link Lessons to multiple dates, click here