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2.1 Ensuring Standardization throughout the Active Curriculum

2.1.1 Standardization through Curriculum Documents

The Active Curriculum allows educators across an institution to collaborate on the curricular framework of a particular academic year. 

Curriculum Directors and/or Heads of Department can set the foundation of the curriculum by creating Syllabus, Objectives and rubrical documents as needed for every course under a segment within their institution. 

This way, educators can then select the appropriate strands or criteria from these documents to use as a guide and reference for their own unit plans and lessons. The open visibility of the platform for all teaching content also ensures that pedagogical standardization is upheld throughout the entire institution. 

2.1.2 Standardization through Templating

Through the Unit Plan and Lesson Templates, institutions can further ensure the pedagogical standardization of their daily learning materials. 

The Unit Plan Template helps educators form the groundwork of each learning section, so that they can connect the competencies, concepts and curriculum-framing questions together to create a unified picture for their learners. 

The Unit Plan template is not only available at the course level, but at the segment level as well, allowing for even greater standardization when creating educational materials throughout the institution. 

The Lesson Template, on the other hand, allows educators to create a uniform guide based on the pedagogy of their choice for all lessons in a particular course. By setting the designated stages, Curriculum Directors, Heads of Department and Educators assigned to that particular course can set the structure for educators to follow when creating their lessons. 

2.1.3 Standardization through Shared Documents 

Another way for educators to standardize their materials is to share lessons and/or Curriculum documents through the Account Library. This way, any exemplary work may be duplicated, edited and then imported into the Active Curriculum for another lesson/Course to follow. 

To learn how to copy and duplicate documents, click here.

To learn how to import documents into the Active Curriculum, click here