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4.4 Building Lessons Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy

Educator Tips and Tricks 4. Teaching Tips for Specific Pedagogic...

Scaffolding is the art of breaking down complex information, concepts and skills into bite-sized ...

How to edit/delete Timetable lessons

Scheduling Timetable

Editing the Timetable 1. Click on the 3 dot icon next to a Lesson timeslot. Select Edit. 2. You...

What are Segments, Levels, Classes and Subclasses in the LMS?

Scheduling Classes and Subclasses

A Segment in the LMS is an educational stage in your school/organisation, e.g. Primary for kids a...

Timetable - Introduction (Scheduling)

Scheduling Schedule

The Timetable is a useful tool for managing Course schedules for every Class throughout the acade...

What's the Difference between Objectives for Courses, Unit Plans and Lessons?

Curriculum Builder Objectives

In general, Segment and Course Objectives should be detailed enough down to the individual rubric...

Courses - Introduction

Curriculum Builder Course Listing

Creating a Course in the Admin Panel adds it to the list of subjects offered by your institutions...

Troubleshooting - Why Can't I Assign A Document?

Curriculum Builder Assigning and Approving

You will be unable to assign a document if the document is located in My Library or is not p...

How Many Active Curriculums Can There Be At One Given Time?

Curriculum Builder Setting Up Your Curriculum

There can only be one active curriculum at any given time. However, each individual institution i...

Who Can Create or Edit an Active Curriculum?

Curriculum Builder Setting Up Your Curriculum

The following table lists out the creation/editing rights for each role: Role C...

Accessing Feedback Interface from Gradebook

Feedback Interface

To view a Learner’s feedback: 1. Click Schedule on the leftmost column.  2. Navigate to the dat...

4.6 Concept-based Learning

Educator Tips and Tricks 4. Teaching Tips for Specific Pedagogic...

In concept-based curriculum and instruction, students focus on discovering the “big ideas” of con...

4.3 Building Collaborative Learning through Lessons and Connect

Educator Tips and Tricks 4. Teaching Tips for Specific Pedagogic...

Collaborative learning is possible in several ways through the BeED platform, even during virtual...

4.2 Building Lessons for a Flipped Classroom

Educator Tips and Tricks 4. Teaching Tips for Specific Pedagogic...

A flipped classroom is a type of blended learning where students are introduced to content at hom...

1.1 Using BeED in the classroom

Educator Tips and Tricks 1. Maximizing Your Teaching/Learning Ex...

The BeED platform can help educators create an extra edge to their regular classroom lessons, whe...

Adding a Planner to a Hub


When you add a planner to a Hub, you are making your classroom plans visible for all members of t...

Create a Planner from the Browser


Here’s how to create your own customized itinerary through your browser: 1. Once you have logg...

Why are my Learner's percentage grades not appearing?

Gradebook Grades

If Learners’ grades are not appearing, it could be because of either of the following: The e...

What is the difference between Grade and Final Grade?

Gradebook Grades

A Grade is given to the Learner for achieving a specific criteria in a Lesson while the Final Gra...

How do I view a Learner’s Grades?

Gradebook Grades

To view a Learner’s Grades: 1. Click Grades on the leftmost column.  2. Select the relevant Seg...

Can I assign someone to create a specific Unit Plan for a Course?

Curriculum Builder Unit Plans & Unit Plan Templates

Yes. To do this: 1. Click Account Library in the top left.  2. Click on the Curriculum document...