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How to create Timetable slots

Scheduling Timetable

Creating Timetables for Classes 1. In the Timetable page, navigate to the cl...

Education Consultancies

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For Qualifi Programmes and online/100% Assignment Based Programs from Early Childhood to Second...


Other Services

Go hassle-free by letting us plan everything for you Our team of highly skilled staff have bee...

3.1 Utilizing Interactive Mapping to Organize Learning Content

Educator Tips and Tricks 3. General Recommendations for Lesson B...

One of BeED’s most powerful features is the Lesson Builder’s interactive maps. By creatively usin...

1.4 Conducting Virtual Tours with BeED

Educator Tips and Tricks 1. Maximizing Your Teaching/Learning Ex...

Despite the Covid-19 Pandemic, traveling doesn’t have to stop with BeED. Through our interactive ...


BeED Reporting Definitions Glossaries

"the way in which something is arranged or set out" - Oxford Dictionary "1 : the shape, size, an...

Updated 1 year ago by Michael Chian

How to create and edit Subclasses

Scheduling Classes and Subclasses

Creating a Subclass You can sort learners in your class into subclasses as certain lessons may r...

How to create and edit Classes

Scheduling Classes and Subclasses

Creating a Class 1. To create a Class, click on the Learners tab under Roles. Select the Segment...

How to create and edit Levels

Scheduling Classes and Subclasses

Creating a Level 1. To create a Level, click on the Learners tab under Roles. This page lists do...

How to create and edit Segments

Scheduling Classes and Subclasses

Creating a Segment 1. To create a Segment, click on the Learners tab under Roles. This page list...

How to edit/delete Timetable lessons (Scheduling)

Scheduling Schedule

Editing the Timetable 1. Click on the 3 dot icon next to a Lesson timeslot. Select Edit. 2. You...

How to create Timetable slots (Scheduling)

Scheduling Schedule

Creating Timetable Slots Creating Timetables for Classes 1. In the Timeta...

How to delete a Facility

Scheduling Facilities

Deleting a Facility 1. To delete a facility, click on the Facilities tab under Institution. Clic...

How to create a new Facility

Scheduling Facilities

Creating New Facility 1. Click on the Facilities tab under Institution. This page lists all the ...


Tools Add-on

To view a guide on how to use the annotation tool in the Gradebook, click on the slides here.

Viewing Your Learner's Report Cards

Guardian Portal

Viewing Your Learner's Lesson Grades

Guardian Portal

How to View Your Learner's Answers

Guardian Portal

The Gradebook Homepage

Guardian Portal

How to Login to the Guardian Portal

Guardian Portal