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How to create a new Facility

Creating New Facility

1. Click on the Facilities tab under Institution. This page lists all the Facilities you have under your Institution.

2. Click on Create Facility on the top right of the page to add new facilities. This will bring up a new menu. 

3. On the Create Facility page, fill up the relevant fields. 

4. Add the Courses you wish to tie to this Facility. This limits the choices of facilities that can be used in the timetable. (E.g. Science labs may be limited to only science courses).

To do so, click Add Course. This will open a new menu for you to select the Courses that are allowed to use this Facility.

You can select multiple Courses for each facility. Click Save Changes once you are satisfied. 

5. (Optional) You can choose to assign an educator as the contact person for this facility. To do so, click on the Refers to drop down menu. You can then select the educator who should be referred to when using this Facility. 

Note: You may skip this step and return to it later once the appropriate person to contact has been added to the educator list.

6. Click on Create Facility once you are satisfied with your entries.