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Permissions - Export all documents

Here is a brief overview of the roles and permissions of the different account types:

Curriculum Director


  • Creates and edits the Curriculum.

  • Can edit any document in Account Library

Recommended Responsibilities

  • Creates curriculum, segments and levels

  • Creates segment rubrics/learner skills/learner traits (optional)

Head of Department


  • Can edit parts of a Curriculum tagged to their Course

  • Can edit any document in Account Library tagged to their Course

  • Can edit any other document assigned directly to them

Recommended Responsibilities

  • Creates syllabus, objectives, rubrics, learner skills and learner traits for their Course

  • Creates Unit Plans and assigns those Unit Plans to other educators



  • Can edit parts of a Curriculum tagged to their Course

  • Can edit any document in Account Library tagged to their Course

  • Can edit any other document assigned directly to them

Recommended Responsibilities

  • Creates Lessons inside their Assigned Unit Plan