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Creating Unit Plan Templates

A Unit Plan Template is designed as a guide for Educators, describing the pedagogical methodologies used when creating unit plans within a Course. When educators create their Unit Plans and Lessons, they will be able to select the pedagogical concepts prescribed in the Unit Plan Template that apply to their content.

Note: You can create a Unit Plan Template at the Segment or Course level. 

  • Segment level: Describes pedagogy used for all Courses within the Segment. 

  • Course level: Describes pedagogy used for the specific Course only.

Thus, any Unit Plan Templates specified in a Segment will automatically override the ones applied to any Courses within the Segment. 

Creating Unit Plan Templates

1. Click on the Curriculum, Segment or Course you want to create a Unit Plan Template for.

2. Click on the plus icon in the Unit Plan Template section.

3. Enter the Unit template name and include a Description. You can then specify the following (optional) pedagogical methodologies

a. Toggle on the relevant details under Concept Based Pedagogy. For every concept you have included in the respective fields, press the Enter key to register it.

b. Toggle on Reflections and select from the options. Educators will then be prompted to write a reflection before, during or after a unit is delivered, or just a general reflection. 

c. Toggle on the relevant details under Inquiry Pedagogy. Include the necessary in the respective fields. 

4. When you are done, click Save at the top right corner.