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Creating Courses in the Curriculum

A Course is a specific subject a learner will undertake during their learning career, such as Math, Science or English. You can customize your Course by attaching documents such as

  • Syllabus

  • Objectives

  • Assessment, Learner Skills or Learner Traits Rubrics

  • Unit Plan Templates and Unit Plans

  • Lesson Templates and Lessons

Important: In the Curriculum, you can only add Courses after they've been initialized in the Admin Panel.

Creating Courses in the Curriculum

1. Inside the Curriculum, select the relevant Segment and Level.

2. Click Create Course under Course (A). You can also choose to import (B) an existing Course from My Library or Account Library.

3. When creating a new Course, enter the Course name and select from the drop-down list. Enter the Course description, and click Add. 

4. You can now start populating the following parts of your Course.

  • Unit Plan Templates and Unit Plans

  • Syllabus

  • Objectives

  • Assessment, Learner Skills or Learner Traits Rubrics

You can choose to create, assign or import these documents by clicking on their respective icons.

Note: You can also create independent Courses in My Library and import them into your Curriculum.