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How do I create a Unit Plan within a Curriculum?

Creating Unit Plans in the Curriculum

Unit Plans can only be created once the Syllabus and Unit Plan Template have been created/ imported into the Curriculum

To create a Unit Plan within a Curriculum Builder:

1. Click on the Curriculum document you’ve created.

2. Select the relevant Segment, Level and Course.

3. Click on Create Unit Plan or the + icon in the Unit Plan section in the top right.

Enter the Unit plan name and include a Unit plan description. Then, click Add.

1. Click Edit Details next to the Unit Plan Details in the lower half of the page.

2. Specify your Unit Plan Duration in the space provided. Then, select the pedagogical details that apply to this Unit. Click Save in the top right corner once you are done.

Note: The options in this section will only be available once they have been specified earlier in the Segment or Course Unit Plan Template.*

3. Back in the Curriculum Builder, select the Syllabus Strands, Objective Strands, Assessment Rubric Criteria, Learner Skills and Learner Traits that are relevant to this Unit.

4. Click on "Number of Lessons" to view the list of Lessons within this Unit Plan. You can then create or import Lessons into the Unit.