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Creating Assessment Rubrics in the Curriculum

An Assessment Rubric is a set of grading criteria used to assess assignments. The criteria details what is expected of Learners in order to attain a certain grade on an assignment.

Note: Assessment Rubrics can only be applied to Courses graded using rubrics; not for Courses graded using percentages only. 

Creating Assessment Rubrics

1. Select the Segment or Course you wish to create Assessment Rubrics for. Then, click on the + button in the Assessment Rubrics section to create a new document. You can also import existing Assessment Rubrics from My Library or Account Library. 

2. Start filling in the basic information for your Assessment Rubric:

  • Name of this Assessment Rubric document

  • Recommended Curriculum -> E.g. IB, IGCSE, SPM etc

  • Description

3. Under Score Settings, toggle on Zero rating if you want to enable a zero score for the rubric and vice versa.

4. In the Rubric tab,

  • enter the criteria name and criteria description in the table at the bottom of the page.

  • click on the + icon on the left or bottom of the table to create a new row. Select the Row Range, which is the score interval (eg: a score range of 1-3 has a row range of 3). 

  • click on the x icon on the left side of the table to delete a row.

  • click on the plus icon on the right side of the table to add more criteria. To remove a criteria, click on the cross icon above it.

5. In the Aggregator tab, fill in the necessary information in the template provided.

  • read the descriptions in the image below or hover over the info icon in the aggregator page to correctly fill up each column.

  • on the left of the table, click on the x icon to delete a row, and click on the + icon to add a new row. 

6. Continue to populate the rubrics for each Level by selecting another Level and repeating steps 3-5.

7. Once you are satisfied with your changes, click on Save. 

Note: You can also create independent Rubrics in My Library and import them into your Curriculum