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Due to different promotions, room availability and demand, the hotel or supplier may change the pricing anytime until the booking process is completed. Please note that these changes come directly from the hotel and their suppliers and are outside the control of Beeducation Adventures Sdn. Bhd. (BeED).


Can I make hotel reservations for someone else?

You are able to make a hotel reservation for another person. Please note that they typically must be over the age of 21 years old and will often require proof of identity upon arrival. A credit card may also be required upon check-in.

How do I know if my hotel reservation is confirmed?

Your hotel room will be reserved the moment you receive your booking confirmation email. This will include the reservation number that you will use upon check in as proof that your reservation has been accepted.


I spelled my name incorrectly while booking. How do I change it?

We will do our best to assist you with any name corrections. Please contact our Travel Support team by emailing or calling 1 (864) 558-5005 and be sure to have your Booking ID ready.


My money has been deducted and I haven’t received any confirmation email or booking from your website. What can I do

Your booking confirmation email may have been pushed to your junk or spam email folders. Please contact our Travel Support team by emailing or calling 1 (864) 558-5005 and we will gladly find your booking information and resend it to you.

Can I cancel or make changes to my hotel booking?

The ability to cancel or change a hotel booking is determined by the hotel and their supplier directly. Our team will gladly assist you with any change requests but we cannot guarantee any changes. Fees will be determined by the hotel and the supplier but we will always request that any fees are waived or removed on your behalf, when necessary. To make any changes or cancellations please contact our Travel Support team by emailing or calling 1 (864) 558-5005

When will I be charged for my hotel reservation?

This will be determined by the hotel and the supplier directly. Some hotels are pre-paid and will take your payment instantly or within a very short window. These bookings are typically non-refundable bookings. Some bookings will only charge you upon arrival or upon checkout from your hotel. To check the cancellation policies, please check your confirmation email or select the “Cancellation & other policies” link in your initial hotel search.