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Impact and Urgency


Category Definition
A department Cases that impacts processes within BeED's Ecosystem
A service Cases that impacts a service/module
A person Isolated cases that only impacts one person


Category Definition

Type of Cases

Critical Ecosystem threatening issue that requires immediate attention. 

Copyright Issues
Data Leaks/Breaches
Organization Threatening
Detrimental to brand/business

High Processes bugs and disruption to essential services provided by BeED.

Module not working
Cloud Storage Not Connecting
Library not showing LEs

Organisation members unable to login

Organisation login link not connecting

App Error Multiple Users

Paid content not displaying

Medium Impacting single user or single function of little severity to business processes or services. 

Same Page Error Multiple Users
Function not working
Save function not working
Missing Institution Profile
Missing Educator Profile
Missing Learner Profile
Missing Guardian Profile
Admin unable to Create Profile


Low Single user experience due to user error or easily self serviceable fixes. Feedback with low priority. 

Credential/Login Issues
Single Page Error for Single User
General Inquiry
Download App Issue
404 or not responsive website
Not responsive app
Personal Preference
User feedback