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Akbarkhan Sobirkhanov was appointed the general director of INNO technopark - (21 Sept 2022) 

Ministry of Innovative Development

Deputy Director at Scientific and Practical Center for the Implementation of Innovative Developments under the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Head of the training center of the robotics school at Artel Technical School

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Currently ​​the head of Youth Academy of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

Uzbe Statistics

  • 10181 Schools in 2020/21 

  • 6288 in Rural area (61.8%) 

  • 3893 in Urban area (38.2%) 

  • 507.7 thousand teachers 2020/21 

  • Increase of 117.1 thousand since 2017

The research found Uzbek has the highest readiness for digital education: 

Uzbekistan has several strengths in the Infrastructure category. 

  • 94% of households are connected to the Internet, and 

  • 41% have computers.

  • 100% electricity access (both  Rural and urban areas)

  • 100% of households have TV. In contrast, there are just four cable TV subscriptions per 1,000 persons.

• Uzbekistan has moderate fixed broadband speeds

but low mobile broadband speeds.

• In terms of affordability parameters, Uzbekistan’s

cost of Internet-enabled basic smartphones is

comparatively the lowest (at 13.0% of monthly GNI

per capita), and its fixed line broadband cost is

also low.

Education structure + type of school + certificate awarded

Research from Content Foci: