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Coursera: Andrew Ng


Personal Homepage



Google Scholar



Source1: Personal Homepage

- List of publications, projects, course (mostly about data, machine learning)

Source2: LinkedIn

- Shared in TED2022

  • How AI could empower any businesses


Oct 2017 - Present

Founder & CEO @ Landing Ai (AI-powered SaaS solutions and corporate-level AI transformation programs)

Jun 2017 - Present

Founder & CEO (also offer courses in Coursera)

Jan 2018 - Present

Managing General Partner @Ai Fund (startup studio building new AI companies from the ground up, currently building 10 companies, that are working on AI applied to logistics, food and nutrition, recruiting, education, and other sectors.)

Jan 2012 - Present

Co-founder, Chairman @Coursera

Sep 2002 - Present

Adjunct Prof of Computer Science @ Standford Uni (leads research group focusing on AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning)

Oct 2017 - Present

Chairman of the Board @Woebot Labs Inc (Woebot is using AI and NLP to build a chatbot, focuses on mental health. A psychological lcinic that uses data science to provide cognitive behavioral therapy)

Jun2017 – Jun2019

Member of Board of Directors (self-driving company that was acquired by Apple)

May2014 - Apr2017

Chief Scientist @Baidu.Inc (led Baidu’s AI group; DuerOS conversational computer platform, Melody chatbot for healthcare, Autonomous driving, face recognition etc)

Jan2011 - Jun2012

Founder and Lead, Google Brain (Deep Learning Project) @Google (Google Cat results)

Source 3:

- 2013: named TIME 100 list of world’s most influential people.

Source 4: Coursera

- rated among top instructors in coursera

- 6mil learners, 38 courses (multiple languages)

Source 5: Facebook

DOB: 18th April 1976 (Dragon, Aries)


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

University of California, Berkeley

Computer Science

Carnegie Mellon University

Computer Science. (from wiki: triple major along with Statistics, Economics)


Machine learning

Standford University

Machine learning

Raffles Institution

Secondary school

Source 6: Google Scholar

- 478 articles, 25k citations in 2021

Source 7:

- Tag line: Keep Learning (used to sign off his newsletters in

- Weekly Andrew’s Letters in The Batch (AI newsletters)

- (Twitter) Most tweets links to this site.

Source 8: Wikipedia

- Born in UK. Parents are immigrants from Hong Kong. Grow up in Hong Kong and Singapore. Married to Carol E. Reiley with a daughter and a son.

- As of 2020, three of most popular courses on Coursera are Ng's: Machine Learning (#1), AI for Everyone, (#5), Neural Networks and Deep Learning (#6).

- In Research Field:

  • primarily in machine learning, deep learning, machine perception, computer vision, natural language processing

  • Early years: Co-authored influential paper that introduced Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) thesis on reinforcement learning for drones

  • Early years: Stanford Autonomous Helicopter project

  • Leading scientist and principal investigator on STAIR (Stanford AI Robot project) which resulted in ROS, a widely used open source robotics software platform

  • Founding team members for Stanford WordNet project, uses machine learning to expand Princeton WordNet database