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12 Jan

Minutes By: Chiew Wen

Date: 12 Jan 2024

Attendees: MIchael, Jimmy, Krishnaa, Chiew Wen, Ben, Benny, Syed

Updates / Discussions Action Plan PIC & Due Date

Department: Operation

  • Content to help Travel to create itinerary
  • 2024 Target RM 3mil
  • separate website for travel (with focus on corporate travel)
  • New website to have both Travel Whatsapp and general inquiry form
  • Explore education trips (blue ocrean) - to have proposals with places of interest and suggested content to be 
  • 1. Get clearance from clients before posting images and company logo in website
  • 2. For inquiries, remake website to have more generic packages instead of Danang and Langkawi 
  • 3. Revise inquiry form to limit number of fields
  • 4. Evaluate packages we have and propose new ones for 2024
  1. Benjamin
  2. Benjamin & Syed
  3. Benjamin
  4. Benjamin

Department: Sales

  • Use resellers only
  • Plan company trip / resellers trip
  • Discounts or benefit for Showcase schools
  • 1. Use same parameters for Indonesia (add National Plus schools)
  • 2. System price and training cost
  • 3. Ask Josh to share Brochure and feedback to Syed changes needed
  • 4. Look into number of homeschools in Malaysia
  • 5. Arrange with FIS to have showcase schools
  • 6. Identify resellers, potential schools and showcase school for Indo, Sg, Brunei, Vietnam, Philippines
  1. Benny
  2. Benny
  3. Benny
  4. Benny
  5. Benny
  6. Benny

Department: Content & Product

  • Will wait for direction from Sales Dept on Maya Content Development
  • 1. Testing plan on loading time for IT 
  • 2. Ask schools to pass on school calendars
  • 3. Big Blue Button costing 
  • 4. BBB vs Zoom comparison (Krishnaa to pass to Chiew Wen IT comparison as well)
  • 5. Discuss notification to users on new features
  • 6. Share 2023 new features to FIS + communicate existing features that was made as request by FIS in 2023)
  • 7. Discuss support structure to encourage educators to report bugs
  • 8. Product Internal Communication channel revamp
  • 9. Send Jimmy translation pricing
  1. Benny
  2. Benny
  3. Krishnaa
  4. Chiew Wen (19Jan)
  5. Chiew Wen (24Jan)
  6. Syed
  7. Benny & Chiew Wen (19Jan)
  8. Chiew Wen (24Jan)
  9. Chiew Wen (17Jan)
Department: Marketing
  • 1. Discuss Nexus - Workshop

  1. Krishnaa & Chiew Wen (31Jan)