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790 total results found

AI Chat llama


Main Screen

Mobile Requirement Docs


Mobile Requirement Docs


Mobile Requirement Docs


Mobile Requirement Docs


Mobile Requirement Docs

Noodle Factory

Product Drawing Board


Product Drawing Board

System Exploration findings


Product Drawing Board

Test cases and results for ChatGPT prompt - FRAD

Rubicon (Atlas)

Product Drawing Board

Product research

Potential Clients


Proposed requirement for Journeys, Hub, Connect and Forum

Product Drawing Board

Pre-Production Documents

List of video assets





Product Drawing Board


Product Drawing Board

iKey Edutech

Product Drawing Board

iKEY is a CMS system developed that provides the following services: i) Centre Management System : Manage centre(ie tuition centra, educational institution) using technology ii) Teachers Mobile Application: Taking attendance on the go mobile phone. Paren...

Assessprep - Executive Summary

Product Drawing Board


Admin Panel

Creating Independent Course in My Library

Curriculum Builder Courses

A Course is a specific subject a learner will undertake during their learning career, such as Math, Science or English. You can customize your Course by attaching documents such as Syllabus Objectives Assessment, Learner Skills or Learner Traits...

Who can be assigned to a Course in the Curriculum?

Curriculum Builder Courses

Only a Head of Department or an Educator can be assigned to a Course.  However, note that the chosen Head of Department or Educator role must be linked to that Course in the Admin Panel first by an Administrator.

Troubleshooting - Why am I unable to create a Course in the Active Curriculum?

Curriculum Builder Courses

If you cannot create a Course, it may be because of any of the following reasons: 1. You do not have permission to create Courses. Note: Only Curriculum Directors and Heads of Departments are allowed to create courses for their own departments. Please contac...

What is a Unit Plan Template?

Curriculum Builder Unit Plans & Unit Plan Templates

A Unit Plan Template is designed as a guide for Educators, describing the pedagogical methodologies used when creating unit plans within a Course. When educators create their Unit Plans and Lessons, they will be able to select the pedagogical concepts prescrib...

Creating Unit Plan Templates

Curriculum Builder Unit Plans & Unit Plan Templates

A Unit Plan Template is designed as a guide for Educators, describing the pedagogical methodologies used when creating unit plans within a Course. When educators create their Unit Plans and Lessons, they will be able to select the pedagogical concepts prescrib...

Pedagogical Terms Used in the Unit Plan Template

Curriculum Builder Unit Plans & Unit Plan Templates

Macro Concept Concept that is general and easily transferable to any subject and topic, eg: Change, Patterns. Micro Concept Concept that is more subject-specific and less easily transferable to any subject and topic, eg: Rates, Civilisation. General Concep...

Where Can I Create Unit Plan Templates?

Curriculum Builder Unit Plans & Unit Plan Templates

Unit Plan Templates must be nested within Segments or Courses. They cannot be created independently in My Library.

How do I create a Unit Plan within a Curriculum?

Curriculum Builder Unit Plans & Unit Plan Templates

Creating Unit Plans in the Curriculum Note: Unit Plans can only be created once the Syllabus and Unit Plan Template have been created/ imported into the CurriculumTo create a Unit Plan within a Curriculum Builder:1. Click on the Curriculum document you’ve cre...

Can I assign someone to create all Unit Plans for a Course?

Curriculum Builder Unit Plans & Unit Plan Templates

Yes. To do this: 1. Click on the Curriculum document you’ve created.2. Select the relevant Segment, Level and Course.3. Click on the portrait icon under Unit Plan. 4. Select the specific name from the list. Then, click Add.  Note: The names listed are those ...

Can I assign someone to create a specific Unit Plan for a Course?

Curriculum Builder Unit Plans & Unit Plan Templates

Yes. To do this: 1. Click Account Library in the top left.  2. Click on the Curriculum document. Then, select the relevant Segment, Level, Course and Unit Plan. 3. In the lower half of the page, click Assign to Unit Plan in the top right.  4. Select the sp...

Creating a Syllabus in the Curriculum

Curriculum Builder Syllabus

The Syllabus is a guide for Educators that lists the topics and subtopics that should be taught to Learners for a particular subject.  Each Course can only have one Syllabus document attached. However, you can create multiple Levels in your Syllabus document....

Creating an Independent Syllabus in My Library

Curriculum Builder Syllabus

The Syllabus is a guide for Educators that lists the topics, subtopics and sub subtopics that should be taught to Learners for a particular subject.  Each Course can only have one Syllabus document attached. However, you can create multiple Levels in your Syl...

Creating Objectives in the Curriculum

Curriculum Builder Objectives

The Objectives document is used to list the learning aims and goals for a particular: Course Unit Plan Lesson This helps make sure that all Lessons contribute to achieving the overall objectives of the Curriculum.  Creating Objectives in...

Creating Independent Objectives in My Library

Curriculum Builder Objectives

The Objectives document is used to list the learning aims and goals for a particular: Course Unit Plan Lesson This helps make sure that all Lessons contribute to achieving the overall objectives of the Curriculum. Creating Independent Ob...

What's the Difference between Objectives for Courses, Unit Plans and Lessons?

Curriculum Builder Objectives

In general, Segment and Course Objectives should be detailed enough down to the individual rubrics for each Lesson.  This is because all objectives need to be spelled out at the Course level first, before you can select the sub-objectives for your Lessons and...

Creating Assessment Rubrics in the Curriculum

Curriculum Builder Assessment Rubric

An Assessment Rubric is a set of grading criteria used to assess assignments. The criteria details what is expected of Learners in order to attain a certain grade on an assignment. Note: Assessment Rubrics can only be applied to Courses graded using rubrics; ...

Creating Independent Assessment Rubrics in My Library

Curriculum Builder Assessment Rubric

An Assessment Rubric is a set of grading criteria used to assess assignments. The criteria details what is expected of Learners in order to attain a certain grade on an assignment. Note: Assessment Rubrics can only be applied to Courses graded using rubrics; ...

Where Can I Attach Assessment Rubrics to?

Curriculum Builder Assessment Rubric

You can import/create independent Assessment Rubrics within the following documents. Independent Document Nested Document Independent Segment Segment nested within a Curriculum Independent Course Course nested with...

I’ve been assigned to create an Assessment Rubric, how should I proceed?

Curriculum Builder Assessment Rubric

Assigned task(s) will appear in the Assigned Documents page. To approach an assignment:1. Click Assigned Documents in the top left. Then, click on the relevant document.2. You will be brought to the Curriculum Builder page. Right above your name in the Assessm...

Creating Learner Skills in the Curriculum

Curriculum Builder Learner's Skills

A Learner Skills Rubric is a set of grading criteria used to assess a number of skills that Learners are expected to demonstrate. These skills can be integrated through the Lessons assigned to Learners throughout a Course.Note: Learner Skills can only be appli...