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Lesson not found

If you’re trying to access a lesson on Beed and cannot locate the lesson, it may be because the lesson hasn’t been activated or properly attached by your teacher. Follow these steps to resolve the issue.

1. Navigate to the Library:

To find a lesson, log in to your Beed World account and navigate to the Library section. This is where all lessons and educational content are stored.

2. Make sure you're enrolled:

Check with your teacher or administrator to ensure you're enrolled in the correct class or hub

3. Check your lesson's active date: 

You can check your schedule with your teacher as some lessons will come with a release date or end date. 

4. Contact Your Teacher:

If you’re sure you’ve used the correct link and the lesson still isn’t found, the best course of action is to contact your teacher directly.

Ask in Class: During the class session, bring up the issue and ask your teacher to check the lesson status.
Ask on the Support Group: Your program will have a class support group in which you can post your questions. 

Additional Help
If you’ve tried all these steps and still can’t access the website, there might be an issue with the Beed website itself. You can: 

Contact Beed Support: Reach out to Beed support team through the support group chat or via your teacher for assistance.

Ask a Friend or Family Member: Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes can spot something you might have missed.