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1.2 Using BeED Offline

Overcoming Poor Digital Infrastructure with the BeED App

One major issue with introducing a full e-learning module to academic institutions is that a majority of institutions have poor or inadequate internet infrastructure to support a fully online module. 

We understand that building infrastructure to support online learning can often be expensive and time consuming. Hence, through the BeED App, learners can initiate online learning by pre-downloading the lessons before classes. This gives educators the convenience of having their lessons in an easily accessible, centralized location while learners can continue to access their lessons uninterrupted.

To use the offline mode, tap on the menu icon and tap on “Account Settings”. Toggle on “Offline mode”.


When learners answer their lessons, the answers are saved into their mobile devices until the learners regain internet connectivity. Answers are then synced to the servers once connectivity is restored.

Downloading Lessons Locally for Offline Use

To fully utilize the BeED App’s offline capabilities, your Learners will need to download their lessons before going offline. To download lessons for offline use, tap on the menu icon and navigate to your Library. Swipe left on the lesson you would like to download and tap on the download icon. This will download the contents of the lesson into your mobile device.

Downloaded lessons use your mobile device’s storage space. To unload lessons from your storage, refer to the image below. 


Using Offline Mode to Administer Quizzes and Tests


Through the offline mode, you can create an environment where your learners are unable to access the internet to refer to other sources of knowledge. By doing this, you can administer quizzes or exams by requesting your learners to complete their lesson through the app using the offline mode. If the quiz is a timed one, learners are still able to answer the questions offline, as their answers will be synced locally to their phone. Once they’re done with the questions, they can reconnect and their answers will be synced back to the system for Educators to view. 

To learn how to create a timed lesson, click on the link here.