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790 total results found

Email Marketing Copies

Archive for BeED's email marketing copies


Call List August

BeED Nexus


Mobile Requirement Docs

This book contains requirements for mobile flutter application.

Product Drawing Board

Multi Language

Knowledgebase for Flutter App


Knowledge Repository



Not Needed

List of video assets

Competitor Analysis



IOS Renewal

Privacy Policy


Learner Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Educator Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Admin Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Guardian Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Answers for Application

Malaysia Growth Champions Application


Professional Development

Policies and Processes

In this Chapter, we will talk about all things that have to do with the development of the individual in the BeED community to strengthen the mass.

Professional Development

Ticket Definitions

Escalation Processes

To understand the categorization of tickets


BPO/Contact Centre Documents

iTop configuration profile/permission settings


Getting Started AWS


Getting Started AWS


Getting Started AWS


Getting Started


Getting Started AWS


Getting Started


Getting Started


Getting Started


Getting Started


Getting Started


Getting Started


Getting Started

Why can't I edit the Timetable for a particular date? (Scheduling)

Scheduling Schedule

The Timetable is frozen for dates in the past up to the present date. You can only add, edit or delete Timetable lessons for the current day onwards. 

What are Segments, Levels, Classes and Subclasses in the LMS?

Scheduling Classes and Subclasses

A Segment in the LMS is an educational stage in your school/organisation, e.g. Primary for kids aged 7-12 and Secondary for kids aged 13-18.A Level in the LMS is the stage in your Segment, e.g. for a Primary Segment, you can have Levels 1-6 and for Secondary y...

How to create and edit Segments

Scheduling Classes and Subclasses

Creating a Segment 1. To create a Segment, click on the Learners tab under Roles. This page lists down all the Segments, Levels and Classes you have under your Institution. Click on the blue Create Segment button.  ...

How to create and edit Levels

Scheduling Classes and Subclasses

Creating a Level 1. To create a Level, click on the Learners tab under Roles. This page lists down all the Segments, Levels and Classes you have under your Institution. Click on the blue Create Level button.  2. Select the relevan...

How to create and edit Classes

Scheduling Classes and Subclasses

Creating a Class 1. To create a Class, click on the Learners tab under Roles. Select the Segment and Level for which you would like to create the Class in. Click on the Create Class button.  2. Fill in the ...

How to create and edit Subclasses

Scheduling Classes and Subclasses

Creating a Subclass You can sort learners in your class into subclasses as certain lessons may require classes to be divided into smaller subgroups. This allows for easier classroom management as well as for different learners to view a customized timetable b...

How to transfer Learners across Classes

Scheduling Classes and Subclasses

Transferring Learners 1. In the Learners page, go to the target class where you want to transfer your Learners into. Click on the Transfer Learner icon. 2. Select the academic year and class which your Learners are currently in. Click on Add Learner. ...

BeED App Library

Library Personal Library

My Library

Library Personal Library

The My Library contains all documents created by your account. These documents will only be accessible to you until shared into the Account Library. However, documents in My Library can still be imported for use into the Active Curriculum. Note: If a document...

Contributor Library

Library Shared Library

The Contributor Dashboard provides you with all the necessary training and support materials for you to start creating your first LE!  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...

Account Library

Library Shared Library

The “Account Library” is a collective repository that contains all the documents (in any 9 formats) shared in your institution.  Curriculum Directors have the option to create these documents by themselves or assign to fellow coworkers for creation. Clicki...

Accessing Feedback Interface from Journeys

Feedback Interface

Note: To access the Educator-Learner Feedback Interface, ensure that you are in the Educator or Administrator role in Journeys.1. To access the Educator-Learner Feedback Interface from Journeys, click on Planner, then click on Hubs. 2. Select View on the Hu...

Accessing Feedback Interface from Gradebook

Feedback Interface

To view a Learner’s feedback: 1. Click Schedule on the leftmost column.  2. Navigate to the date and time slot that you want to view the feedback. 3. Click on the Lesson Name of the lesson you would like to view.  ...

Educator-Learner Feedback Interface

Feedback Interface

At the top of the page, you will see the Lesson name and the Number of total questions for the Lesson. On the left, you will see the list of Learners and their completion percentage. Alternatively, you can change your display to filter by questions by clickin...


Feedback Interface

1. When you log on to the Learner Feedback page, you will see a three dotted icon on any Learner responses containing an attached file. Clicking on the icon will open up the options below: (a) Clicking on Annotation allows you to draw, comment and highlight o...

Curriculum Builder

Curriculum Builder

The Curriculum Builder is one of the three main modules comprising BeED LMS; the other two being the Admin Panel and the Gradebook. The Curriculum Builder lets educators collaboratively share and create curriculum specific documents that integrates with lesson...

Navigating the Curriculum Builder

Curriculum Builder Getting Started in the Curriculum Builder

Welcome to the Curriculum Builder! The Curriculum Builder allows you to create a centralized and transparent curriculum both independently and collaboratively to suit your institution's needs.   At the top right corner, you will see the following: 1. Your...

Roles and Responsibilities

Curriculum Builder Getting Started in the Curriculum Builder

Here is a brief overview of the roles and permissions of the different account types: Curriculum Director Permissions Creates and edits the Curriculum. Can edit any document in Account Library Recommended Responsibilities ...

How to Copy and Duplicate Documents

Curriculum Builder Getting Started in the Curriculum Builder

1. Click on the 3 dot icon next to a Document name in My Library. Select Copy to Account Library. 2. There will now be a copy of your document in the Account Library for all users in the institution to view. Note: Documents in Account Library...

Who can Share Documents

Curriculum Builder Getting Started in the Curriculum Builder

Any Educator can share Documents from My Library to the Account Library.