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Contributor Library

The Contributor Dashboard provides you with all the necessary training and support materials for you to start creating your first LE! 


LE Options:

The LE options button is a drop down menu on the left side of the screen containing the following options:


This is a list of content purchasable/downloadable as a bundle. LEs for sale here are meant to be used as a package.


The Contributor Library contains content created by you and other members of your organization.

Question Bank:

The Question bank stores all Multiple Choice Questions created by you or your colleagues within the same institution. These questions can be retrieved while you create an LE.


This page lists down the income you will receive from LEs you put for sale in the Nexus. 

Main Page:

A) Resources

This page contains supplementary resources to help you start designing your first LE, from how to use copyright-free media to how to creatively use your maps! It is highly recommended that you go over the contents in this section to further aid your LE creation process. 

B) Training Videos

This page contains guides on how to use the BeED website in a simple, easy-to-follow video format.

C) World Syllabus

This page contains a collection of syllabi from around the world to be used as guides for writing your LEs.

D) Create Your Learning Experience

Click here to get started on your first LE! Clicking here will bring you to your Contributor Library.

To get started, click on the plus icon:

Not all content (Images, Videos, Audio and text) found on the internet can be published in an LE for sale. Imagine someone just taking your creation and distributing it online without giving you credit, or worse, having the audacity to sell it without your explicit approval. You probably wouldn’t feel so good about that too, right?  

For Content Creators such as yourself who are planning to publish your LEs publicly, it is advisable to use content that is Public Domain or covered under CC (Creative Commons) licenses, with proper citations. The citations list should be included in the final part of your LE. 

Click here to read up on Creative Commons.

Click here to read up on MLA in-text citation formatting.

We at BeED take copyright infringement very seriously, and it is thus highly recommended for every BeED Content Writer to go over the guide on Copyright Free Materials.