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Tutorial Video Pre-production

This chapter is to give a step-by-step guide video on how to create a syllabus document on ArcEd. The duration of the video will take roughly 3mins. 

[Opening Scene]

[Soft background music playing]

[Text on screen: BeED Learning System Tutorial - Creating a "Syllabus" Document]

[Scene transitions to the BeED dashboard]

[Voiceover begins]

[Opening Scene]


Welcome to this tutorial on creating a "Syllabus" document in BeED Learning Management System. Before we begin, please ensure that you are using an educator account to access the Curriculum Builder Module.

[Scene 1 : User on the curriculum builder Main page/ dashboard]


The Syllabus is your roadmap for teaching. It's a document that outlines the topics and subtopics for a subject. Each course can only have one Syllabus, but you can create multiple Levels within it, for example: English Level 4 and Level 5.

[Scene 2: Create new syllabus document from main page]


Now, there are two ways to create a Syllabus. You can either click on "Create" followed by "Syllabus". Here you'll have to fill up required details and click on save! Now, your syllabus document is successfully created!

[Scene 3: User navigating into active curriculum page]


The second way is you can directly create a new syllabus document from the active curriculum page itself! Select your desired course, click the '+' button in the Syllabus box, and there you go! You can even import an existing Syllabus from My Library or the Account Library.

[Scene 4: User importing a syllabus from the Account Library]


Lets try importing an existing syllabus from the account library. Click here..

[Scene 5: User selecting a syllabus from the list]


You'll see a list of syllabi in your account. Simply select or search one, and click 'Import.' You’re done! As simple as that.

[Scene 6: User creating a new syllabus]


Now, If you wish to create a new Syllabus, simply click the '+' button, and start filling in the basic information.

[Scene 7: User type in First topic]


For uploading the syllabus content, just go to the topic box, give it a click, press the ‘+’ button, and begin entering your initial topic.

[Scene 8: User adding topics and subtopics]


Now, let's insert the topics and subtopics. Click the blue '+' button to add a new one.Key in the number of lessons for each subtopic, the system will automatically calculate the number of lessons by adding up all its subtopics

[Scene 9: User deleting a row]


Need to make changes? No problem. Click on the 'x' icon to delete a row.

[Scene 10: User finalizing the Syllabus]


Continue populating the Syllabus for each Level. Once you're satisfied with your changes, click 'Save' to lock in your edits.

[Scene 11: User clicking on the 'Save' button]


And that's it! The Syllabus Management System makes organizing and creating educational plans a breeze.

[Closing Scene]

Thank you for watching this tutorial. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Happy teaching with the BeED Learning System!

  1. Storyboard

Please refer to this Figma file for the storyboard: