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Facial recognition artificial detection

How to Import Documents

Curriculum Builder Getting Started in the Curriculum Builder

You can import any documents from My Library or Account Library.  Important: Imported docs are duplicates of the originals in My Library or Account Library. Changes to one will NOT sync to the others 1. To get started, click on the import icon.  ...

How to Create Your Curriculum

Curriculum Builder Setting Up Your Curriculum

1. Click on the “Create” button at the top right corner of the Curriculum Builder.  2. In the Pop up, select the green “Curriculum” button.3. Fill in the upper part of the curriculum from left to right: Segment → Level → Course → Unit Plan. ...

Who Can Create or Edit an Active Curriculum?

Curriculum Builder Setting Up Your Curriculum

The following table lists out the creation/editing rights for each role: Role Creating/Editing a curriculum  Creating/Editing Course Documents Creating/Editing Lessons Deleting Documents Curriculum Director ✓ ...

How Many Active Curriculums Can There Be At One Given Time?

Curriculum Builder Setting Up Your Curriculum

There can only be one active curriculum at any given time. However, each individual institution in your account network can have their own active curriculum. If your institution has multiple curriculums running at the same time, you can manage all of them by ...

How to Activate a Curriculum for my Institution

Curriculum Builder Setting Up Your Curriculum

To begin curriculum building, create an Independent Curriculum first by selecting “Create” and then “Curriculum” in My Library or Account Library (Note: if you create the curriculum in My Library, you will have to copy it to the Account Library later before ac...

How to Prepare Curriculums for the next Academic Year

Curriculum Builder Setting Up Your Curriculum

1. Prerequisite: Before you begin, it is recommended that Institution Admins first set up the new Academic Year in the Admin Panel. 2. Once that is complete, Curriculum Directors can now follow the instructions in the embedded slides below to set up the Curri...

How to View Past Curriculums

Curriculum Builder Setting Up Your Curriculum

In the Curriculum Builder, go to the Account Library. All the Active Curriculums for past, present and future years will be found there, with the year indicated in the blue tag. Click on the Curriculum to view its contents.

Troubleshooting - Why Can't I Link a Curriculum to my Institution?

Curriculum Builder Setting Up Your Curriculum

If you are having trouble linking a curriculum to your institution, it may be because of any one of the following reasons: 1. The academic year has not been set up yet by your Institution Admin (see “What can I do with the Schedule Settings?”). Please contac...

How Do I Assign a Document to Another Educator?

Curriculum Builder Assigning and Approving

1. Click on the “Assign” icon located next to the document you wish to assign. 2. Select the educator that you would like to assign the document to and click “Add”. 3. The document will now appear in the educ...

What Documents Can I Assign?

Curriculum Builder Assigning and Approving

The documents that can be assigned within a Curriculum include: Course Syllabus Objectives Assessment Rubrics Learner Skills Learner Traits Unit Plan Template Unit Plans

I've Been Assigned a Document. What Should I Do Next?

Curriculum Builder Assigning and Approving

1. Click on the Assignments tab or the Notifications icon in the top right corner. Select the document that you've been assigned. This will open up the document for you to create, import or reassign. 2. Certain documents will remain ...

The Assignment and Approval Process

Curriculum Builder Assigning and Approving

Curriculum Directors Below is the assignment and approval process flow for Curriculum Directors. Educators Below is the assignment and approval process flow for Educators. ...

Troubleshooting - Why Can't I Assign A Document?

Curriculum Builder Assigning and Approving

You will be unable to assign a document if the document is located in My Library or is not parked within a Curriculum you do not have permission to edit the document the document has already been created

Why Can't I Assign a Particular User to my Document?

Curriculum Builder Assigning and Approving

For documents that are tied to a Course, you can only assign them to Educators whose roles in the Admin Panel allow them to teach those Classes. For instance, you cannot assign a Math Educator to create an English Syllabus.  Administrators can manage Educator...

Who Can Create and Edit Segments?

Curriculum Builder Segment and Level

Segments inside a Curriculum Only the following users are allowed to create/edit Segments inside a Curriculum The Curriculum owner Curriculum Directors Educators assigned specifically to that Segment Segments inside My Library Only the ...

Creating Segments and Levels in the Curriculum

Curriculum Builder Segment and Level

A Segment is a collection of levels or years grouped together within your curriculum.  Examples of Segments: Upper and Lower Primary Art Stream and Science Stream IGCSE Key Stage 1, 2 and 3.  Creating a Segment 1. Enter the Curriculum. ...

Courses - Introduction

Curriculum Builder Course Listing

Creating a Course in the Admin Panel adds it to the list of subjects offered by your institutions. This will allow you to link the Course to specific Facilities assign the Course to Educators and Heads of Departments create lesso...

How to Create a Course

Curriculum Builder Course Listing

Creating a Course Note: Only Admins can create Courses in the Admin Panel. 1. In the Admin Panel, click on the Courses tab under Institution. This page lists all the Courses offered in your organisation, which applies to ALL institutions within your organisa...

Creating Courses in the Curriculum

Curriculum Builder Courses

A Course is a specific subject a learner will undertake during their learning career, such as Math, Science or English. You can customize your Course by attaching documents such as Syllabus Objectives Assessment, Learner Skills or Learner Traits...

Creating Independent Courses in My Library

Curriculum Builder Courses

A Course is a specific subject a learner will undertake during their learning career, such as Math, Science or English. You can customize your Course by attaching documents such as Syllabus Objectives Assessment, Learner Skills or Learner Traits...