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PR Document

Definition and Text Guide
Dashboard page Dashboards can be customized to display specific information relevant to the user's needs. visual representation of key information, data. Consist of customizable widgets, shortcuts, and menu bar on top.
Menu bar Display a selection of chart categories 
Widgets Box Box that hold information or content
Active Box (Widgets) A box that contains any graph / charts set up by the user.
Inactive box (Widgets) A box that did not contain any graph / charts. Users must configure a chart for the widget before it becomes visible within the widget box.
Analytics page Shows detailed insights, trends, and patterns derived from the analysis of various datasets (refer figma file for dataset)
Rubric Set of criteria and descriptions of different levels of performance for each criterion
Performance Standard Pre defined criteria and indicator set by the educator
Problem Statement
  1. Educators, students, and administrators lack a clear and easy way to analyze student performance across lessons, unit plans, and courses for different time period
  2. As we are enabling strands attached to questions, we do not have a method to provide detailed insights into how students are meeting Learning Standards (LS), Performance Standards (PS), Objectives (OB), Learner Skills (LS), and Learner Traits (LT) within lessons
  3. This makes it difficult to:

    • Track and compare performance at individual, class, and course levels.
    • Understand trends, strengths, and areas for improvement.
    • Use data to guide teaching decisions and support student learning.

The objective of the Gradebook Analytics feature is to provide a clear, user-friendly analytics tool that helps educators, students, and administrators:

  1. Track and Analyze Performance: Enable users to monitor and compare student performance across lessons, for a certain time period, type of assignment and based on strands for LS, PS, OB, LS, and LT.

  2. Visualize Data Effectively: Present data in easy-to-understand charts and visuals, allowing stakeholders to quickly identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement.

  3. Facilitate Data-Driven Decisions: Equip educators with insights to make informed decisions, tailor teaching strategies, and provide targeted support to improve student outcomes.

  4. Compare Performance Across Terms: Allow users to view performance within specific terms and track progress over the academic year, supporting continuous learning and development.

  5. Support Educational Goals: Align analytics with curriculum standards to help ensure that students are meeting key educational objectives.

  1. Gather and Organizes Data - Collects detailed data on student performance based on lessons, time period, type of assignment and strands for LS, PS, OB, LS, and LT.
  2. Visualizes Data Clearly: Presents performance data in a simple, user-friendly charts and graphs (e.g., bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts) that make it easy for educators to interpret and act upon.
  3. Enables Performance Comparison: Allows educators to compare individual student performance against their peers, track class-level progress, and analyze performance across terms and throughout the academic year.

Current requirement : Only those assigned as educators will be able to view graphs

Future : Curriculum directors should have access to all classes  

  • Create a new tab on BeED current gradebook page (left menu bar) with title : Analytics
  • Note to UI : Icon required for analytics
  • Widget box to be displayed
  • The widget box are auto populated previously or pinned widgets
  • The widget box will display a chart chosen by the user.
  • By default, the system will display six empty widget boxes.
  • If a user attempts to add additional charts to the widget after all six boxes are occupied, the system will prompt them with a message stating, "You can only add a maximum of 6 widgets. Please delete the current widget to replace it with the new one."

User workflow

  1. User will have 5 drop down options to choose from
  2. User can choose save each option as default
    • Period
    • Course
    • Class
    • Assessment Document
    • Learners
  3. can user not make a choice at any of the option?
  4. can user make more than one choice
  5. which one can be selected only once and which one can be selected more than once (multiple selection)
  6. Options for each category




Assessment Document


  • All terms
  • *Terms listed in admin panel
  • *course listed in admin panel

  • *class associated with the course 
  • Performance
  • Learning Standard
  • Performance standard
  • Learner Skills
  • Learner Traits
  • All leaners
  • * learner associated in the class

7. Users make a choice and click 'Apply'

Charts to be displayed

(a) Performance

Data Comparison What vs. What
Scores in LEs in a course

Purpose: To see the trend of academic performance lessons and completion rate in a course

1) Period (specific & all)
2) Course
3) Assessment type (multiple)
Data: Name of LE(x-axis) vs scores & completion rate in % (y-axis).
Mutiple Bar Graphs of Individual students by Grade for every term:

Purpose: To see the trend academic performance over multiple terms and identify any patterns or changes.
Data: Students(x-axis), subjects and GPA (y-axis).
Line Graphs of Subjects by Average score in each subject:

Purpose: To see the trend academic performance in each subject
Data: Subjects(x-axis), Average score (y-axis).
Bar Graphs of Subjects by Average score of each student:

Purpose: To see the average score of student in each term
Data: Subjects(x-axis), Average score (y-axis).
Bar Graphs of Subjects by Average score of all students:

Purpose: To see the average score of all student in each term
Data: Subjects(x-axis), Average score (y-axis).
Bar Chart of student grade by assignements/tests:

Purpose: Compare students' grades across different assignments or tests.
Data: Students(x-axis), grades on assignments (y-axis).
Bar Chart of students grade by different assignements/tests:

Purpose: Compare students' grades across different assignments or tests.
Data: Students(x-axis), grades on different assignments (y-axis).

(b) Learning Standard

Data Comparison What vs. What
Scores based on LS in LEs in a course

Purpose: To see the trend of academic performance based on learning standard and scores

1) Period
2) Course
3) Assessment type
Data: List of LS(x-axis) vs scores % (y-axis).

(c) Performance Standard

Data Comparison What vs. What
Scores based on PS in LEs in a course

Purpose: To see the trend of academic performance based on performance standard and scores

1) Period
2) Course
3) Assessment type
Data: List of PS(x-axis) vs scores % (y-axis).

(d) Learner Skills

Data Comparison What vs. What
Scores based on Learner Skills in LEs in a course

Purpose: To see the trend of academic performance based on learner skills and scores

1) Period
2) Course
3) Assessment type
Data: List of Leaner skills (x-axis) vs scores % (y-axis).

(e) Learner Traits

Data Comparison What vs. What
Scores based on Learner Traits in LEs in a course

Purpose: To see the trend of academic performance based on learner traits and scores

1) Period
2) Course
3) Assessment type
Data: List of Leaner skills (x-axis) vs scores % (y-axis).

f) Objectives

Data Comparison What vs. What
Scores based on Objectives in LEs in a course

Purpose: To see the trend of academic performance based on objectives and scores

1) Period
2) Course
3) Assessment type
Data: List of PS(x-axis) vs scores % (y-axis).

Requirement for Charts/Graphs

  1. On the chart, user can:

  • Zoom in

  • Zoom out

  • Expand chart (pop up full screen)

  • Clickable chart legend : allows users to enable or disable data visualization (choose what data to show)

  • Add to widget