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Flutter Walkthrough

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Main Page Flutter

a. User Full Name

b. Role and Institution

c. Schedule

  • View your scheduled classes and attached lessons.

d. Library

  • Access all lessons assigned to you.

e. Journal

  • Maintain a personal diary to track your progress.

f. Connect 

  • To access the following:
  • Messenger - Access our messenger to connect to your schoolmates, teachers, and parents. (Community)
  • Forum - Students able to participate in discussion on educator's created topics on forums.
  • Announcement - Stay updated with the announcement board.

g. Planner

  • Access the excursion planner, description, activities, and detailed plans.
  • View the itinerary for your school excursion.

h. Tools

  • To access: 
  • QR scanner to join hubs.
  • Enable offline mode.
  • View your download progress and history.

i. Helpdesk and FAQ

  • Encounter an issue? Reach out to us or consult our FAQ guides.

Note: Access the settings page by clicking on the area displaying the user's full name, role, and institution.


User Settings Page

a. Edit Name and Email Address

  • Update your full name and email address associated with your account. Double check function. 

b. User Unique QR Code

  • Access and share your unique QR code for easy identification and connections. (future feature) 

c. Change Password

  • Change your account password.

d. Switch User Roles (Same Email Address)

  • Change your user role while keeping the same email address. 

e. Switch Account (Different Email Address)

  • Log in with a different email address to switch accounts.

f. Lesson Font Size

  • Adjust the font size for a comfortable reading experience in lessons.

g. About BeED App

  • Learn more about your BeED app, its current built number, and the database used.

h. Account Deletion

  • Permanently delete your account and all associated data. (Only by admin, contact admin) only allow for "independent users"

i. Log Out User Account

  • Sign out of your current user account.


User Settings Page

a. Action Bar (Click to Select and Download Lessons)

  • Use the action bar to select and download your preferred lessons for offline access.

b. Lesson Filters

  • Apply filters to sort and find specific lessons based on various criteria easily.

c. View All Toggle

  • Toggle to view all available lessons or a filtered subset based on your preferences.