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Business Mode For Mobile App

Please find our business model. 

  1. Web application -
  2. Mobile App - To download and read  digital content
  3. Stripe (Payment Gateway) connected to Nexus  - to perform payments

As mentioned above user will go to nexus to buy digital content. Nexus has both free and paid digital content. once the user made the successful payment, The digital content will automatically get downloaded to his/her library in nexus.

Now user has an option to download all digital content in to his mobile using our mobile app. This would allow the user to continue his/her learning even during low or no internet and increase overall user learning experience.

  1. Who are the Users that will use the paid subscriptions and services in the app?
    1. There is no subscription for app service, using app is free. Please refer our business model above for more details.

  2. Where can Users purchase the subscriptions and services that can be accessed in the app?
    1. Any user who registered with us in Nexus.
  3. What specific types of previously purchased content, features and services can a user access in the app?
    1. Any digital content that was brought through Nexus can be downloaded and use in mobile app
  4. What paid content, subscriptions, or features are unlocked within your app that do not use in-app purchase?
    1. There is paid features in the app
  5. Are the enterprise services in your app sold to single users, consumers, or family use?
    1. No such enterprise services in our app. 
  6. Does your app offer one-two-few or one-to-many services, where a single person provides a service in real time to a group?
    1. The main purpose of the app to download the digital content and use.


Specifically, we noticed that the app allows QR code under Tools tabs. Could you please clarify this feature to us:
-How do users obtain the code?
-What is the code being used to do?
-Are there fees involved in getting the code(s)? Is the code bypassing (or potentially bypassing) using in-app purchase?
-Please provide sample codes

The QR code is generated based on the CourseID, which is an optional course created by the institution/school in the LMS.

The students who are interested in the particular optional course can scan the QR code to download the learning materials attached to it. 

There is no fee involved in the entire transaction.

void _onQRViewCreated(QRViewController controller) {
    setState(() => this.controller = controller);

    /// While a subscription is paused, or when it has been canceled,
    /// the subscription doesn't receive events and none of the
    /// event handler functions are called.
    controller.scannedDataStream.listen((scanData) {

      debugPrint('scannedDataStream: ${scanData.code.toString()}');

      bool isUrl = Uri.parse(scanData.code.toString()).isAbsolute;
      debugPrint('scannedDataStream is url: $isUrl');

      if (isUrl) {
        canLaunchUrlString(scanData.code.toString()).then((canLaunch) {
          if (canLaunch) {
            debugPrint('launching url....');
          } else {
            debugPrint('fail to launch the url');
            throw '${AppLocalizations.of(context).couldNotLaunch} ${scanData.code.toString()}';

      } else {
        setState(() => result = scanData);
        debugPrint('scannedDataStream: ${scanData.code.toString()}');

        /// Added/wrapped the string with " "
        String scanned = "\"${scanData.code}\"";
        debugPrint("scanData value: $scanned");

        /// Call API through riverpod state and repository:;
        final StatusState? statusState =<StatusState?>( => state));

        debugPrint("Returned result on the app: $statusState");, AppLocalizations.of(context).qrCodeDetected);


Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase

We noticed that your app includes or accesses paid digital content, services, or functionality by means other than in-app purchase, which is not appropriate for the App Store. Specifically: 

- Your app accesses digital content purchased outside the app, such as digital subscription, but that content isn't available to purchase using in-app purchase. 

Next Steps

The paid digital content, services, or subscriptions included in or accessed by your app must be available for purchase using in-app purchase. 

Apps that offer paid digital services and content across multiple platforms may allow customers to access the content they acquired outside the app as long as it is also available for purchase using in-app purchase. See Guideline 3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services for more information. 

If you have any additional information to provide regarding the digital content and services in your app and how the guidelines apply to them, please reply to this message in App Store Connect and let us know. If there is information you'd like us to consider in our review of future submissions, please feel free to include it in the App Review Information section of App Store Connect. 


- See how to implement in-app purchase with the StoreKit framework.
- Review step-by-step instructions for creating in-app purchases in App Store Connect. 
- Learn more about our policies for apps that offer paid digital content and services.

Please see attached screenshots for details.

We have removed the Nexus connection from our app now and changed our business model to the previous model, which is that our app is the supplement for LMS for learners to learn with our internet or during their travel.

Please find the screen shot below how the data flows in our system. There is no transaction take place.


Google Playstore


The children under 18 can't register with our App through sign-up available in the app , they can access the app only if the school or institution  create their user account from backend LMS system (

The main purpose of the app is download lesson created by teacher in backend system and access without internet in the app for students group under the age of 18.

For students who are 18+ can register in to the app and join the learning hub ( and download the learning content in to the app and read without internet.