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How to sign up for BeED Journeys

By signing up, you will be able to access the following features in BeED Journeys:

  • purchase unique Learning Experiences available in the BeED Nexus (Marketplace).

  • create customized Learning Experiences tailored to fit your learners’ needs and proficiency levels for indoor or outdoor lessons. 

  • create and manage Hubs where you can add and organize an unlimited number of members so that they have access to your purchased or created Learning Experiences and itineraries. 

  • view learner answers and provide personalized feedback through the Learner Feedback page in the Hub

  • create your own customized tours or plans by using the Itinerary Planner.

  • post and participate in forums managed by you or others in your shared network of users. 

  • use your personal Journal to add and keep track of daily activities and reflections.

  • access the BeED Journeys app, where you can conduct or partake in indoor/outdoor lessons even when there is no Internet connectivity. 

  • book customized group trips through our Travel Concierge Services

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1:
On the BeED homepage, click Sign Up for Free.

Step 2: Sign up using the email address of your choice. You will be sent a confirmation email to your designated email address.

Note: Please note that users below 13 years of age must include their guardian’s email address first in order to get approval to use the BeED system. 

Step 3: Click on the link in the confirmation email to complete your personal details. Congratulations! You are now BeED’s newest member!

Step 4: Proceed to log in on the BeED homepage.