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Weighted Percentages in the Gradebook and Report Card


Assessment Categories tied to Lessons

If an assessment category is tied to unit plans and lessons, then the final grade for that category will be automatically calculated based on feedback / grades given to the lessons.


1. First, give feedback and grades to lessons as usual. Once all questions with point values are graded, the percentage grade for the lesson will appear in the top right hand corner:


In the Grades tab, select the class and course you would like to grade:

2. Select the Term you’d like to grade and choose Assessment Type = Percentage. 

  • You can see the percentage grade for each lesson in the % columns. If the lesson is tied to a category (e.g. %F), the weighted percentage grade will also be displayed.

  • You can click on the Final Grades button on the right side to view the grades for each category and the overall final grade. The final grade is calculated based on the information in Assessment Settings.

Assessment Categories NOT tied to Lessons


Some assessment categories may be assessed outside of BeED lessons, such as Attendance or Extra Credit. Educators can give grades for these categories directly in the Gradebook.


Note: if an assessment category is already tied to a lesson, you cannot give final grades directly in the Gradebook. They will be automatically calculated.


1. In the Grades tab, select the class and course you would like to grade.


2. Select the Term you’d like to grade, and choose Assessment Type = Percentage. Click on the Final Grades button on the right side of the screen.

  • Hover over an assessment category (e.g. %F) to view its name and weightage.

  • Click on a cell to give or change percentage grades for any category which isn’t directly tied to lessons.

  • The final grade is calculated automatically based on the information in Assessment Settings.


Note: Grades given cannot exceed the weightage of its category:


Report Card


Weighted Percentage grades will appear in the Report Card if they are selected in Report Card Settings. This step can only be performed by a Director or Curriculum Director.