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Accessing items on Nexus

Action Steps


1. Browse or Search for the item you would like to purchase

2.  Click on Add to Cart

Multiple items can be added to the cart before payment

3.  Click on the menu icon on the left of your screen. 


 4.  Click on the shopping cart Icon. 


Review your shopping cart 

5. Review your shopping cart and click on the boxes to select the items you would like to confirm 

6.  Click "Proceed Payment" to make payment on your items. 

You will be forwarded to our payment gateway partner to complete your payment.


7.  You will receive a Payment Successful message after payment is completed.

8.  The page will redirect to the invoice page for your review


  • Purchase procedures are the same for each type of item.
  • After completing your purchase, the invoice will be available on the Invoice tab by clicking on your username on the top right